October 25, 2022
Christ Jesus prayed that all those who would believe in Him would be ONE, just as He and the Father are ONE; that they be brought to complete unity so that the world would know that He was sent by the Father. (John 17:20-23)
Heaven Is Our Destination Where We Will Be ONE With The Lord Forever
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Will ‘democracy die in darkness’ after November?
How long will Democratic voters continue to allow themselves to be treated like fools?
October 26, 2022
Save your child's life: vote Republican in midterms
Save your child's life: vote Republican in midterms
Wayne Allyn Root jabs CDC over vaccine recommendation for America's students

Published October 28, 2022 at 10:13pm
I'm the guy who has argued on my national radio show, two national TV shows and my syndicated newspaper columns for six months now that Democrats bet the house (literally) on the wrong horse, that this midterm election was never about abortion. It was always about inflation. I shouted from the highest rooftops that "the GOP should stick to inflation, inflation, inflation."
Inflation may very well be at its worst in the history of America.
Middle-class America is being destroyed. Americans' incomes and assets are being systematically wiped out. They can't put food on the table. They can't put gas in their cars. They're scared of becoming homeless. Retirees can't survive and many have been forced to go back to work.
That is what the election of 2022 is about: your economic survival.
And of course, there are a few other issues to throw into the storyline – like this massive wave of violent crime and murder in every blue state and city in America.
TRENDING: These media giants all identified as Democrat propagandists
And I was right. Ask House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband. If he isn't safe in his own mansion, can you imagine how the rest of us feel?
The issues of inflation and crime worked like magic. A massive red wave landslide is upon us. As of days ago, I predicted a 50-seat GOP victory in the House and a 3- to 5-seat GOP victory in the Senate.
But then something happened that was so shocking that I believe it pushed even inflation and crime out of first place. This is the final blow that destroys the Democratic Party. This is so big that we don't have just a red wave coming on Nov. 8. We have a red tsunami.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just became the "Child Death Cult."
Last week the CDC voted unanimously to recommend every school district in the country mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for every child, or they can't go to public school. They recommend the COVID-19 vaccine be added to the "vaccine schedule." We know that most politicians, bureaucrats and schools – especially in blue states and cities – will comply.
This just became a life-or-death election. This just became the civil rights issue of the 21st century. This just became the parental rights issue of the millennium.
I believe this CDC decision is child abuse, reckless endangerment, negligence, medical malpractice, fraud, insanity, conspiracy, coverup and crimes against humanity, all rolled into one.
By the way, did you know the CDC reports higher rates of COVID-19 in vaccinated young children than in unvaccinated? See for yourself on the agency's site.
Did you know U.K. government data shows children who are vaxxed are 4,423% more likely to die from any cause, and 13,633% more likely to die from COVID-19? Read about it here.
New studies report young people are up to 100 times more likely to get seriously ill from the COVID-19 vaccine than from COVID-19 itself. For more info see here.
Does any of that worry you? Does it give you pause before giving your child this dangerous, deadly, experimental vaccine?
And why would children need to risk serious injury or death from an experimental vaccine when studies in the U.K. show the risk from death from COVID-19 for children is basically zero?
In America, Johns Hopkins University studied 48,000 children who got COVID-19 and found zero deaths, except in children with childhood cancer.
Every parent in America – especially mama bears – now has a life-or-death reason to vote 100% straight-ticket Republican for the midterms: to protect your precious, innocent children from an experimental, emergency-use-only, rushed-to-production vaccine that has proven dangerous and deadly all over the world.
Because if you live in a blue state, every child will be force-vaccinated, and all parental rights will be nullified.
Not all Republican politicians are against the COVID-19 vaccine. But they are all against vaccine mandates. With Republicans in charge, no child will ever be force vaccinated.
If you elect red-state governors, senators, representatives, state legislators, mayors, council members and school boards, they will refuse the CDC recommendation, and your child will never be forced to take an experimental vaccine.
Our corrupt CDC, owned by Big Pharma, wants to risk the life of every child in America and take away all your rights as a parent. All in the name of greed. Why? Because Americans have "vaccine regret." The number of Americans who want the new booster is tiny. The vaccine money is drying up. But there are hundreds of billions of dollars to be made if every innocent child is forced to vaccinate.
And you thought Democrats believed in "choice"?
Every parent in America who loves their children, who has no interest in turning them into a combination of guinea pig and crash-test dummy, has only one choice on Nov. 8 ...
This isn't a red wave anymore. This will be a Republican red tsunami.
These media giants all identified as Democrat propagandists
These media giants all identified as Democrat propagandists
Have 'relentlessly cast the GOP as the second coming of the Third Reich'

Published October 30, 2022 at 1:59pm

Press Secretary Jen Psaki answers questions from members of the press Monday, July 26, 2021, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House. (Official White House photo by Cameron Smith)
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[Editor's note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire.]
By J. Peder Zane
Real Clear Wire
The great paradox – and shame – of the New York Times, Washington Post, and many other prestigious news outlets is that they are brimming with top-notch reporters and editors who consistently produce stellar work. Yet, that distinguished journalism stands as a stark indictment of their political coverage, which insistently betrays the best traditions of the profession. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.
TRENDING: These media giants all identified as Democrat propagandists
They know that Hillary Clinton’s campaign manufactured the false claim embraced and amplified by the highest levels of the Department of Justice and the FBI that Donald Trump conspired with the Russians to steal the 2016 race. Instead of working to expose this massive effort at election denial, they advanced the conspiracy theory for years before working to cover up the truth as it emerged.
They know that significant questions surround the business dealings of President Biden’s son Hunter and his brother James – including evidence from their former business partner that the president himself lied about and profited from these deals. Instead of using their vast resources and talent to probe this alleged malfeasance, they have largely ignored the mounting evidence of corruption.
Instead of shining a light, they have intentionally kept their audiences in the dark regarding stories of the greatest consequence. (No doubt those readers were surprised to learn this week about record early voting in Georgia since the state’s new voting law had been described to them as “Jim Crow 2.0.” Likewise, they were probably shocked to learn that despite the plague of “systemic racism” in the U.S. health care system, whites are now more likely to die from COVID than African Americans.)
One can only wonder how those readers are responding to the polls which increasingly suggest big Republican victories in next month’s elections. Yes, the out-of-power party usually thrives in off-year midterms. But this anticipated red wave is taking place after most mainstream news sources have relentlessly cast the GOP as the second coming of the Third Reich.
For months, Democrats and their powerful media allies have been treating Jan. 6 as if was Pearl Harbor or 9/11, issuing thousands of fearsome reports across their home pages and airwaves. The president created a bogeyman label – MAGA Republicans – which mainstream reporters have echoed to frame the coming midterms as a battle to save democracy.
No rational American who believes what they read and hear in the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Associated Press, NPR, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The Atlantic, The New Yorker (and on and on and on) could possibly support the GOP. “If you care about the future of America, democracy and your own rights,” USA Today columnist Jill Lawrence declared, “don’t vote for Republicans. Any of them.”
Their house-on-fire coverage bludgeons Americans with the message that fascism and white supremacy are the real ballot measures at stake in the midterms and that our nation will become an authoritarian hellhole if Democrats do not prevail. In their telling, no decent person could vote for these monsters.
This message is not just false, it is despicable. It reflects a deep contempt for the American people. We are not a nation of haters. The vast majority of us hold sacred the rule of law under the Constitution. The mob who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6 are a fringe minority. Those who argue otherwise, which includes most Democrat leaders and their lackeys at prestigious news outlets, are the greater danger. They insistently demonize their opponents and divide the nation. Their constant alarms about a brewing Civil War sound more like a desire for conflict than a warning.
If the polls are correct, the looming midterms may prove to be a reaffirmation of the wisdom of the crowd. Despite the relentless propaganda spewed by elite news organizations, the American people can still identify the issues that matter: runaway inflation and high interest rates, violent crime, an insecure border, and the excesses of woke ideology. The challenges they face in their daily lives define reality far more than the ideological fantasies they are told to believe.
Unfortunately, this repudiation of their false narratives will have no effect on mainstream news outlets. No correction is in the cards. What is mostly likely is that they will redouble their efforts to shape the national discourse, which helps explain why Hillary Clinton and the FBI have not been held to account for their Russiagate perfidy and why the president remains unscathed by his family’s suspect business dealings. Election results are just a bump in the road on their long march.
Their business model does not depend on providing the nation with accurate and fearless coverage. They serve a hardcore of true believers who don’t know, don’t care, or even desire to be misled. James Bennet, who was forced from his job as editorial page editor of the New York Times for running an op-ed which offended woke sensibilities, said subscribers expect that the so-called paper of record “will be Mother Jones on steroids.”
- https://gellerreport.com/
“In human records there is no instance of a society retaining its energy after a complete new generation has inherited a tradition which does not insist on pre-nuptial and post-nuptial continence,” wrote social anthropologist J.D. Unwin in his landmark 1934 study, Sex & Culture.
Unwin studied 86 cultures, including the Roman, Greek, Sumerian, Arabian, Babylonian and Anglo-Saxon civilizations. He expected to find that monogamy had no real influence on these cultures. But by the end of his study, Unwin came to a much different conclusion.
Unwin concluded that throughout history in nearly every civilization, sexual license and the decline of monogamy lead to irreversible societal collapse within just three generations.
In other words, natural marriage keeps a culture strong.
Sexual immorality and lack of monogamy kill a culture.
If you want to destroy America, pass HR 8404.
That is why we must warn members of the Senate to STOP HR 8404.
Tell Congress to Vote NO on HR 8404!
Unwin found that societies thrive and prosper to the extent that culture is committed to prenuptial chastity coupled with “absolute monogamy.” The study found cultures that retained this combination for at least three generations exceeded other cultures in every area, including literature, art, science, architecture, engineering and agriculture.
In contrast, his research also discovered that when strict prenuptial chastity was no longer the norm, absolute monogamy, religious observance and rational thinking also disappeared within three generations.
And we are certainly seeing the predicted decline of rational thinking in our society today! Unwin states that every culture inevitably collapses within three generations of failing to protect the family through the rule of law.
Unwin further found that a societal acceptance of sexual immorality always leads to a self-absorbed society that rejects the facts in favor of what “feels good.” Unwin characterizes this stage as a “dead” society, made up of people who have little interest in anything other than their own wants and desires.
The final stage of societal destruction Unwin predicted is one in which facts are replaced with feelings. This stage can be observed in America’s “sexual identity” movement, which insists there is no such thing as the reality of gender.
The “Respect for Marriage Act” will throw gasoline on the fire that is burning down marriage, family and the objective reality of gender in our nation!
Only a few more Senate votes are needed to pass HR 8404 and take the final legal step that Unwin warns us against.
There are several Republican senators who have not publicly committed how they will vote on this bill.
Rush your urgent faxes to every senator you can to block this bill.
Thanks in part to pedophile and sexual pervert Alfred Kinsey, America embarked upon a “sexual revolution” in the 1960s.
Two generations later, we can clearly witness the disastrous declines Unwin documented in other sexually libertine civilizations.
Tragically, we live in a society in which sexual immorality is not just tolerated but celebrated.
The time to turn back the unbridled Jezebel spirit poisoning American minds, bodies and culture is NOW!
It is successfully perverting a third American generation and destroying our Judeo-Christian culture before our eyes!
Liberty Counsel is fighting for the soul of America by fighting disastrous policies like HR 8404, and by defending religious freedom and life in state and federal courtrooms across America.
But we are only able to perform this mission-critical work because of faithful supporters like YOU.
Please consider making a recurring monthly donation to fund this intensifying legal battle for religious freedom. Every donation made today will be DOUBLED IN IMPACT by a Challenge Grant. Thank you in advance.
Please also be in prayer for the soul of the United States of America!
Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
Durston, Kirk. “Why Sexual Morality May Be Far More Important than You Ever Thought.” Quest: Thoughts about God, Truth, and Beauty. Accessed August 31, 2022. Kirkdurston.com/blog/unwin.
“H.R. 8404—Respect for Marriage Act.” House of Representatives Committee on Rules. July 18, 2022. Rules.house.gov/bill/117/hr-8404.
Fuchs, Hailey. “Corporate America Lobbies up in Support of Same-Sex Marriage.” POLITICO, October 24, 2022. Politico.com/news/2022/10/24/corporate-america-same-sex-marriage-00063239.
Liberty Counsel is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
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©1995-present, Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and the family. Privacy Policy.
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Brits' National Health Service warns transgenderism is 'a phase'
Brits' National Health Service warns transgenderism is 'a phase'
Surgery and puberty blockers out, even social transitioning is not 'neutral'

Published October 29, 2022 at 12:00pm
WND is now on Trump's Truth Social! Follow us @WNDNews
In what has left many linked to the social agenda of encouraging transgender treatments and surgeries for children stunned, Britain's National Health Service has warned doctors should not encourage children to changes their names and pronouns.
That agenda long has been the accepted standard in the U.K., where the Tavistock clinic has recommended that many children go through the various chemical and surgical modifications to their bodies.
That facility, however, is being shut down because of its penchant for pushing children into the controversial and life-altering treatments, and now a report in the Telegraph confirms that the NHS is warning doctors against encouraging children to do even social transitions.
TRENDING: The attack on Catholic hospitals and secularization of health care
"NHS England has announced plans for tightening controls on the treatment of under 18s questioning their gender, including a ban on prescribing puberty blockers outside of strict clinical trials," the report said.
It noted that a medical committee's report "has advised that even social transitioning, such as changing a young person's name and pronouns or the way that they dress, is not a 'neutral act' that could have 'significant effects' in terms of 'psychological functioning.'"
"I didn't say it, Britain's National Health Service did," wrote commentator John Hinderaker at Powerline.
He noted, "The NHS notes a 40-fold increase in use of 'gender identity services' over the last decade. The service announces a different approach to treating young people, noting 'evidence that in most cases gender incongruence does not persist into adolescence' and pointing out that 'doctors should be mindful this might be a 'transient phase''."
The Telegraph explained, "Parent groups and professionals have long raised concerns that NHS medics have taken an 'affirmative' approach to treating children, including using their preferred names and pronouns. … Instead of encouraging transition, medics should take 'a watchful approach' to see how a young person’s conditions develop, the plans state."
Also to be considered now, the report said, is what a child may suffer if he or she decides to return "to the original gender role" if the "gender incongruence does not persist."
The Telegraph noted that there were 250 kids referred in 2011-2012 to the gender identity treatment facility, but there were more than 5,000 last year.
NHL said summer Tavistock was closing and two regional centers at children's hospitals were being set up.
The treatments now will include experts on pediatric medicine, autism, neurodisability and mental health.
At the Powerline blog, Hinderaker pointed out, "Meanwhile, here in the U.S. the carving up of children proceeds apace. This is reminiscent of the abortion issue, where supposedly more permissive European countries have, in fact, more reasonable abortion laws than the radically permissive ones that have been enacted in many blue states."
The science? Pentagon 'absolutely dug in' on vaccine mandate
The science? Pentagon 'absolutely dug in' on vaccine mandate
Unvaccinated troops 'waiting with our heads laying in a guillotine'

Published October 29, 2022 at 2:08pm

President Joe Biden walks with Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin en route to a press conference Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021, at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)
Amid the acknowledgement by health officials that the mRNA vaccines don't stop COVID-19 infection and transmission as promised, the Pentagon has not lifted its mandates, causing untold damage to morale and recruiting, an Army National Guard Special Forces soldier said.
"There's just growing frustration amongst the ranks," Army Sgt. Lonny Posey told Fox News Digital in a video conversation with Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Fla., the ranking member of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness.
Many soldiers reluctantly took the vaccine so they would not be expelled, Posey added, but they definitely will not get a booster.
Soldiers were required to be fully vaccinated by June 30, but many are still waiting for an answer to their accommodation requests and have been forced to stop training.
TRENDING: The attack on Catholic hospitals and secularization of health care
"Nobody can give us an answer on anything. And we're just kind of waiting with our heads laying in a guillotine and unable to serve in a full time capacity. And it’s extremely frustrating," Posey said.
"We're just floating ambiguously out here. Commanders, they can't give guidance ... and everybody's too afraid to say anything, to be held liable for ... something that might not be true in the long run," he said.
A major consequence, the sergeant said, is that "combat readiness is dwindling," noting eight soldiers who were to be deployed next month have been pulled.
"That's over half of a small team that actually deploy on a special mission that now can't deploy over a virus that 99.98% survivability rate against," he said.
"We're just waiting. We can’t go to any kind of training to further our skills are keep keep the tools in the toolbox sharp, just because we don’t have these vaccines."
On Monday, finding that "being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting COVID-19," the New York State Supreme Court ordered the reinstatement of all New York City employees who were fired for not being vaccinated for the disease.
President Biden– who was infected with COVID-19 in July after receiving four shots and promising the vaccine would prevent infection – on Tuesday urged all Americans to get the booster, claiming it's "incredibly effective." However, the bivalent vaccine already has failed CDC Director Rochelle Walensky. And a preprint study released Oct. 24 by Dr. David Ho – a prominent virologist at Columbia University in New York City – found that the new booster produces fewer antibodies than the original vaccine.
'In the middle of a recruiting crisis'
Waltz, a Florida Army National Guard Special Forces colonel, pointed out that the Florida National Guard alone will lose more than 1,000 soldiers due to the mandates. And across the nation, more than 20,000 National Guard soldiers will be lost.
"This is in the middle of a recruiting crisis, where the Army fell short by 20,000, after lowering the standard another [by 10,000]," he said.
Posey, a recruiter for the Florida National Guard, said the mandates caused 25 Special Forces recruits to walk away, and he suspects "the rest of the Army and all branches of service are going to be experiencing the same thing."
Waltz noted the vaccines have not stopped the spread of the virus, and the CDC "has changed their guidelines, making it much more of a personal health decision."
Yet, the United States military, which has been shown by scientific data to be the least affected by the virus – "that basically for the vast majority of of men and women under 30, it amounts to the sniffles" – continues to require COVID vaccination.
The Pentagon is "absolutely dug in" on the mandates, he said.
"When Republicans take the House majority back, we're gonna reintroduce common sense into this and we have to evaluate the risk here," he said. "We're guaranteed to lose tens of thousands, versus the possibility that a few may get the sniffles. To me, that's a no-brainer and this mandate has got to end."
See the discussion: