Sunday, November 20, 2016


An empty classroom of the Nisitenma elem



Now Scottish officials ordered to pay legal fees of court fight

Bob Unruh
The infamous “Named Person” scheme launched by federal officials in Scotland, only to be declared illegal by the courts, will cost the government an estimated $623,000 in legal fees.
The plan was for the government to appoint a social worker for every child born in the country, with the authority to monitor the child, see health records, educational progress reports and more to supposedly ensure the child was growing up properly.
The social workers even would have been allowed to override parental objections to certain programs and treatments.
WND reported in July when the Supreme Court in the United Kingdom struck down the plan sought by social workers to make sure every child meets government standards for being “safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included.”
The argument against Scotland’s Children and Young People Act, the “Named Persons” plan, was that the government does not have the right to give to its employees private information.
“The court struck down the information-sharing provisions because there was no way to interpret the legislation to make it compatible with human rights,” said a statement from the Christian Institute, which organized the legal challenge to the 2014 law.
There is no appeal, so the Scottish government is trying to find a way to correct the failed legislation.
“The Supreme Court has vindicated our judicial review of the Scottish government’s controversial Named Person scheme, ruling the plans unlawful,” the institute’s statement said. “In a historic decision the five judges, including two from Scotland, unanimously struck down the central provisions of the scheme.”
Now the Christian Institute reports the U.K. Supreme Court has ordered the Scottish government to pay its legal costs in the fight.
“The government could eventually face a bill of up to 500,000 [British pounds, about $623,000], including its own costs, after the legal challenge was heard first in Scotland’s Court of Session and then the UK Supreme Court. This would be met by the taxpayer.”
Those are “on top of the £61 million allocated so far to the policy behind the Named Person scheme, which seeks to impose a state-appointed guardian on every child up to the age of 18,” the institute reported.
Colin Hart, director of the Christian Institute, said the “complacency” of ministers has led to an “extraordinary waste of taxpayers’ money.”
“Scottish government ministers knew of serious concerns about the Named Person scheme from a very early stage, and yet they chose to plough on regardless. All their energy was spent on public relations, not on getting the law right. They complacently swept aside concerns about legality from the Faculty of Advocates and the Law Society of Scotland,” he said.
According to the Scotsman newspaper, government officials, however, said they “remain absolutely committed to the Named Person service and the deputy first minister updated parliament outlining how the government is working towards the implementation of the service.”
“The first thing that a totalitarian regime tries to do is to get at the children, to distance them from the subversive, varied influences of their families, and indoctrinate them in their rulers’ view of the world. Within limits, families must be left to bring up their children in their own way.”
Polls showed two-thirds of the Scottish people believed it was an “unacceptable intrusion” into family matters.
WND already has reported developments related to the now-failed proposal.
The Scottish government, for example, put cab drivers through a new training course in which they were told they must spy on children they drive to schools – even getting out of the cab and going in to talk with teachers in the schools if they hear something that is concerning.
WND has reported the concept of a government watchdog for each child comes from the philosophy of the United Nations.
“This law shows the natural progression for a country that has ratified the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child and attempts to live up to its treaty provisions,” said Michael Donnelly, director of international relations for Home School Legal Defense Association.
WND also reported when it was revealed that children were to be quizzed using “covert” psychological tests.
“Older children will face a series of questions on their home life, their sexual health and whether or not they feel close to their parents,” critics noted at the time.

My comments: The godless are Ruthless and Relentless and only a Christian and Awakened people will keep them at Bay.

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