Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Clinton Faults ‘White People’ and ‘Systemic Racism’ in Wake of Dallas Shootings

"... stark, condescending generalizations ..."
In the wake of the deadly Dallas ambush that killed five police officers, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton put the responsibility for addressing America’s divisions squarely on the shoulders of “white people” Friday while also calling for federal guidelines to address “systemic racism” that leads to the shooting of black men by police officers
“I will call for white people, like myself, to put ourselves in the shoes of those African-American families who fear every time their children go somewhere, who have to have ‘The Talk,’ about, you now, how to really protect themselves (from police), when they’re the ones who should be expecting protection from encounters with police,” Clinton said Friday on CNN.
“I’m going to be talking to white people, we’re the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries coming from our African-American fellow citizens,” she said.
“We’ve got to figure out what is happening when routine traffic stops, when routine arrests, escalate into killings … Clearly, there seems to be a terrible disconnect between many police departments and officers and the people they have sworn to protect,” she said.
Clinton said federal policing guidelines are needed because some police departments need to address “systemic racism, which is a reality, and to go after systemic bias,” she said.
Many pushed back at Clinton.
My comments: The Black Community needs to clean up itself and not be committing a disproportionate number of crimes that leads to Police suspicion of the Blacks they encounter.

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