Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Now when He (Jesus) saw the crowds,
He went up on a mountainside and sat down.
His disciples came to him,
And He began to teach them saying:

(Happy, to be envied, and spiritually prosperous,
That is, with life-joy and satisfaction in God's Favor and Salvation
Regardless of their outward conditions)--
Are the Poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Blessed are those who Mourn for they will be Comforted.

Blessed are the Meek (the mild, patient, long-suffering),
For they will Inherit the Earth.

Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
(Uprightness and right standing with God),
For they will be Filled.

Blessed are the Merciful, for they will receive Mercy.

Blessed are the Pure in heart, for they will see God.

Blessed are the Peacemakers (the makers and maintainers of peace),
For they will be called the sons of God.

Blessed are those who are Persecuted because of Righteousness
(For being and doing right),
For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Blessed are you when people Insult you, Persecute you
And Falsely say all kinds of Evil against you because of Me.

Rejoice and be Glad,
Because Great is your Reward in Heaven,
For in the same way they Persecuted the Prophets
Who were before you.

You are the Salt of the Earth.
But if the Salt loses it Saltiness (its strength, its quality),
How can it be made Salty again?
It is No Longer good for Anything,
Except to be Thrown Out and Trampled by men.

You are the Light of the World (having Christ living within).
A City on a hill cannot be hidden.

Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.
Instead they put it on its stand,
And it gives light to the house.

In the same way, let your light (Christ in you) Shine before men,
That they may see your Good Deeds
And Praise your Father in Heaven.
(Matthew 5:1-13)

As Christ Jesus brought Glory to the Father
By being His Perfect Representative,
So we are the Representatives of Christ on Earth.
We are the Blessed Ones, for a Purpose:
So that God the Father and Christ Jesus can be seen on Earth Today;
Christ Jesus living In and Through us.

If we are Not among the Blessed Ones,
Manifesting the Attributes of Christ Jesus,
We are of No Value but to be Thrown Out and Trample on by men.

The Apostle John is told to Measure the Temple of God. Listen:

I was given a reed like a Measuring Rod and was told,
'Go and Measure the Temple of God and the Altar,
And count the worshipers there.

But Exclude the Outer Court; Do Not Measure it,
Because it has been given to the Gentiles.
They will Trample on the Holy City for 42 months.
(Revelation 11:1,2)

I believe the apostle John is Measuring the Church of Jesus Christ,
The Temple of God today.
He Measures those who are the True Worshipers, the Blessed;
But he is told Not to Measure the Outer Court;
Those who do not worship God in Spirit and in Truth,
Because Outer Court will be Trampled on
For the Three and One-half Years of The Great Tribulation.

I pray that those who read this message are among the Blessed.

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