Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Climate change conference at the U.N. in New York in November 2015.



President touts goals of 2030 Agenda of 'submission to a single power'

Leo Hohmann

President Obama addressed diplomats at a reception Friday, the day after a jihadist killed 84 people in France, and said the United Nations’ plan for sustainable development and global unity is all that’s needed to defeat the terrorists.

Obama called for “a new sustainable development set of goals to end extreme poverty and promote health and education and equality for all people, including women.”
That was a direct reference to the U.N.’s new “2030 Agenda,” in which the new sustainable development goals or SDGs are being promoted as the answer to all of mankind’s problems — including the eradication of poverty and saving the planet from climate change.
The 2030 Agenda, which is the U.N.’s updated version of Agenda 21, also includes for the first time the rights of migrants to move across open borders for economic opportunity.
“Obama simply reflects his globalist handlers when he suggests that the solution to the world’s problems will be found in everyone’s submission to a single globalist power,” writes Patrick Wood for Technocracy News and Trends.
Obama told the ambassadors gathered at the reception that the world needs to “build strong institutions to protect people from those impulses” of national or cultural pride. 
This seemed to be a reference to supporters of Donald Trump in the U.S. and other nationalist-oriented parties gaining popularity in Europe. These parties are now calling for their countries to follow Britain’s recent example and exit the European Union.
That’s a path that will not succeed in America or anywhere else, Obama said.
“In other words, all Americans should stop being so selfish and self-centered and surrender themselves to the global ‘common good,'” Wood wrote.
Obama added that “hatred and violence of a few ultimately is no match for the love and decency and hard work of people of goodwill and compassion.”
He said the world needed to work with “our Muslim partners” to “push back against hateful ideologies that twist and distort Islam – a religion that teaches peace and justice and compassion.”
“We will defeat these ideologies by offering a better vision of development and economic progress,” Obama added.
Watch President Obama’s complete 10-minute speech to the diplomatic corps:
And in contrast to these terrorists who only know how to kill and destroy, we’re going to win this fight by building; by never giving up on diplomacy to end the Syrian civil war; by working with partners around the world, including Muslim communities, to push back against hateful ideologies that twist and distort Islam — a religion that teaches peace and justice and compassion. 
We will defeat these ideologies by offering a better vision of development and economic progress, so people, especially young people, have more hope and opportunity and are less susceptible to extremism and violence in the first place. And we will continue to promote political opportunity and democracy so citizens have a say in their future.
And we will win this fight by staying true to our valuesvalues of pluralism and rule of law and diversity and freedoms, like the freedom of religion, freedom of speech and assembly — the very freedoms that the people of Nice were celebrating last night on Bastille Day. 
In the wake of last night’s attacks, we’ve heard more suggestions that all Muslims in America be targeted, tested for their beliefs; some deported or jailed. And the very suggestion is repugnant and an affront to everything that we stand for as Americans.
We cannot give in to fear, or turn on each other, or sacrifice our way of life. We cannot let ourselves be divided by religion — because that’s exactly what the terrorists want. We should never do their work for them. And here in the United States, our freedoms — including freedom of religion — help keep us strong and safe, and we have to be vigilant and defend our security and our freedoms.
And all of us — whatever nations we represent here — I think have to step back and reflect on what we are doing to eliminate this kind of chronic violence. 
It’s been a difficult several weeks in the United States. But the divide that exists is not between races and ethnicities and religions; it is between people who recognize the common humanity of all people and are willing to build institutions that promote that common humanity, and those who do not — those who would suggest that somebody is less than them because of their tribe, or their ethnicity, or their faith, or their color. 
And those impulses exist in all our countries. And those impulses, when we do not speak out against them and build strong institutions to protect people from those impulses, they can take over, they can be unleashed — so that all of us have responsibilities, not just a few.
I want to say that even as we are relentless against terrorists, it’s also worthy for us to recognize that our nations have worked together for security and peace and human dignity around the world. I want to thank so many of your countries for the partnership that we’ve forged and the progress we’ve achieved together over these past eight years in rescuing the global economy and securing vulnerable nuclear materials. 
A comprehensive deal to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Halting the spread of Ebola, and thereby saving countless lives. In Paris, the most ambitious agreement in history to fight climate change. A new sustainable development set of goals to end extreme poverty and promote health and education and equality for all people, including women.
And through the efforts of many of you, we’ve continued to try to move beyond old conflicts: Supporting the transition to democracy in Burma. Forging a new partnership with Vietnam. Deepening our new chapter of engagement with the Cuban people. Helping to support the efforts in Colombia to end the decades-long conflict. That’s the power of diplomacy. 
That’s what’s possible when our nations and our peoples work together in a spirit of mutual interest and mutual respect.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/07/obama-u-n-can-defeat-global-terror/#LH916PDt611IvSke.99
My comments: Here Obama sounds like "The Antichrist," the son of Satan, in Masquerade. He is calling for One World Government. There will be No Peace on Earth until the Son of God Returns and establishes His Kingdom, in Jerusalem, on Mount Zion. He speaks of Religious Freedom when his Policies and Actions have been Against God and His Word. He is making Islam the equivalent of Christianity, when Islam is of the Devil, as is every Religion but Faith in Christ Jesus. The Entire WEST including America has Abandoned God and His Word and is Suffering the Consequences of that Terrible Act. And they will continue their Suffering as long as the Abandonment of God continues. There will be No Peace and No Prosperity as long as the God of Creation is Dishonored.

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