Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Obama's "Common Core" Blackmail

Grassfire Update:

The SAT college-entrance exam is becoming a "Common Core exam."

That means Oregon high schoolers and their parents have become pawns in a massive BLACKMAIL scheme to force Common Core on all of America's schools -- regardless of whether your state adopts the testing standards or not!

Here's the full story ...
The Atlantic reports that David Coleman, president of The College Board, which developed the SAT, says that college examinations have "become disconnected from the work of our high schools."

It's interesting to point out that Coleman became president of the College Board in 2012, after he reportedly played "a vital role" in the development of
(wait for it) ... the Common Core!
+ + Take The "Carrot" ... Or Else!

Tom, the "carrot" of receiving federal funds for adopting Common Core standards is now accompanied by a "gun" that's being held to the heads of state lawmakers, school adminstrators and parents.
It's as if the federal government and "progressives" are telling anyone opposed to Common Core: "Walk away and your children may not gain admission into the college or university of their choice."

This is especially unnerving considering that the SAT and ACT currently are being rewritten to "connect with the Common Core."

Don't let Obama and his progressive minions -- including Coleman and others -- "blackmail" you into handing over the mind of your child or grandchild. Continue standing with the thousands of grassroots Americans who are fighting back.
+ + Schedule Your Faxes Denouncing Obama's Common Core "Blackmail" In Oregon

In an effort to give parents, grandparents and outraged citizens a voice to oppose the Obama administration's Common Core shakedown, Grassfire has launched a new, national FaxFire initiative.

Click here now to fax your Oregon Senators and other key lawmakers demanding they stop Common Core.
A Senate resolution, proposed by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), supports the restoration and protection of state authority -- in all aspects of a child's education process.

Passage of S. Res. 345 could short-circuit Obama's takeover plans, affirming that education belongs in the hands of parents and local school officials -- not education progressives looking to indoctrinate our children!

Demand your Seantors support this effort. Click here now to schedule your "Stop Common Core" faxes for immediate delivery!
If you prefer to send your own faxes, click here to see a complete list of the FaxFire targets and their contact information. You'll also find customizable fax content if you click here.
+ + "Stop Common Core" Petition Nearing 40,000

Already nearly 40,000 concerned citizens have added their names to the national "Stop Common Core" petition. Thousands more signing every day, but we need your help to keep building grassroots momentum!

clicking here to schedule your faxes for immediate delivery, rally the support of your friends and family. Please take a moment to forward this message to your entire contact list. Urge your fellow patriots to go here to stand with you by signing the national "Stop Common Core" petition:

Thanks for the stand you're taking.

The Grassfire Team

P.S. Don't let leftist progressives blackmail you into giving them control of your children's or grandchildren's education. 
Click here and schedule your faxes to YOUR Oregon Senators and other key lawmakers demanding they support S. 345 to "Stop Common Core"!

My comments:
Obama's strategy to "TRANSFORM" America is through his many Czars.
They work night and day on multiple "fronts."
No average american can keep up with their efforts to subvert America 
Into a godless Secular Humanist State.

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