Monday, October 15, 2012

The Choosing Of A Bride

Today, the Father is choosing a Bride for His only Son, Christ Jesus.
This Bride must be without spot, wrinkle or blemish. (Ephesians 5:25-27)
The Father doing the choosing knows everything about every person
He knows the heart of every person;
He knows their mind, will and emotions, their soul and their spirit.

The Father has set the criteria for the selection of His Son's Bride:
She loves the Son with all Her heart, mind soul and strength.
She is poor in spirit, meek;
She hungers and thirsts for righteousness
She is merciful, pure in heart, and a peacemaker.
She is persecuted for righteousness. (Matthew 5)

This Bride is humble and contrite in spirit
And trembles at the Word of God. (Isaiah 66:2)
She lives by every Word that comes from the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4)
She eats the Living Bread and drinks the Living Water.
She is baptized in the Holy Spirit and with Fire.
All Her faith, hope and trust is in God and His Christ, Jesus.

She asks but for One thing, to live in the Presence of God.
Belonging to Christ She desires nothing on earth.
Apart from Christ She has no good thing.

She seeks first and above all else the Kingdom of God
And His righteousness.
She forgives as She is forgiven.
She stores up treasure in Heaven which is where Her heart is.
She does not worry about tomorrow.
She does not judge the heart of any person
But looks at the fruit of their lives.
She does not give to the dogs what is sacred.
She asks and seeks and finds.
She does to others what She would have done to herself.

She enters through the Narrow Gate that only a few find.
She has built her house on the Rock which is Christ.
She watches out for false prophets and judges them by their fruit.
She gladly goes into God's harvest field as a worker.

She preaches the message of the Kingdom,
She heals the sick, raises the dead, cleanses those who are diseased,
And drives out demons.
What She has been freely given She freely gives.

The Father sends Her out as a sheep among the wolves,
But with power from on High.
She does not worry about what to say
Because the Farther speaks through her and for Her.
All men hate Her because she belongs to Christ,
But She will stand firm to the END.
She is not afraid of those who can kill the body but not the soul.
She acknowledges Christ before men
And is acknowledged by Christ before the Father in Heaven.

She has put the New Wine of the Spirit into Her New Creation,
She does not try to sew an old piece of cloth on a New Garment.

She does not expect Christ to bring peace to the earth but a sword;
Turning family members against each other over Her pursuing Christ.
She does not love Her father or mother more than Christ.
She is willing to let the dead bury their own dead to pursue Christ.
She has given up Her life to find LIFE “in” Christ.
Sher receives those who are Prophets of God and receives their reward.

She has received from God what is hidden to the wise and learned.
She knows the Father as revealed by the Son.
She has taken the yoke of Christ upon Herself and learned from Him.
She gathers with Christ.
Her mouth speaks out of the overflow of Her heart.
Her words confirm Her “in” Christ.

She has receive the seed of Christ and produces a hundred fold crop.
She hears the Word of God and understands it.
Persecution for the Name of Christ does not deter Her.
She worships God in Spirit and in TRUTH.

She correctly interprets the signs of Her time.
She denies Herself and takes up Her cross daily and follows Christ.
She will be rewarded according to what She has done.
She comes to Christ as a little child and receives His Kingdom.
She binds on earth and looses in Heaven.
She believes and receives.
She is among the few who are chosen.
She has One Teacher, the Christ.
She is among the ELECT for whom the days will be shortened.
She will not be deceived by The Great Delusion God sends via the Antichrist.

She will be among those taken and not left behind.
She will be among the wise virgins with enough oil of the Spirit
To receive Her Bridegroom.
She uses Her talents and multiplies them.
She is a sheep and not a goat.

She abides in the Vine which is Christ.
She is water washed, blood washed, filled with the Holy Spirit
And walking in the Light of Christ.

She has been crucified with Christ to this world and no longer lives,
But it is Christ who lives in Her.
The life She now lives is by faith in the Son of God
And His Power at work in Her.
She has set her heart on things above,
Her life is hidden with Christ in God.
She has clothed Herself with the garments of Christ
And lets His Word dwell richly in Her.

She calls along with the Spirit of God to the thirsty,
To come and take the free gift the Water of LIFE.
I pray that all who read this are among the called, chosen and faithful.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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