Friday, September 22, 2023

Digging A Deep Foundation

 Jennifer Woodley

“I will show you what someone is like who comes to me, hears my words, and acts on them. That one is like a man building a house, who dug deeply and laid the foundation on rock;” Luke 6:47-48 (NRSV)

The wise person digs deep to lay a foundation for his life on solid rock. 
But what does the life of the man or woman who intends to have Jesus and His teachings for the very foundation of their life, look like?

People who intend to emulate Jesus and His ways are in no hurry. 
They are not looking for a quick and easy gospel or for a superficial relationship with Christ. 
They know that to invest slowly and patiently, faithfully and constantly in building friendship with Jesus is both crucial and rewarding. 
They give maximum effort to their relationship with Jesus.

These people are not shallow. 
They are prepared to examine themselves under the guidance of the Spirit to recognize and confess their sin. 
And they are prepared to count the cost of following Christ. 
What does the Lord require of them? 
Obeying Jesus may cost their family, vocation, friends and perhaps their very lives. 
But in order to dig a deep foundation, they are willing to submit all to Him.

And when the storm comes? 
When life deals out a share of troubles and woes, where will they be? They will not be shaken because they've built well. 
They have dug deep and grounded their very lives upon a bedrock that cannot be moved.

Upon what foundation are we digging our lives and will we be found standing firm when the storms of life fall upon us?

Jennifer is an Australian freelance writer who enjoys encouraging others on their journey with Christ through writing. Contact

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