Saturday, July 8, 2023



Joe Biden is knocking on Iran's door, STILL groveling for a deal that will give BILLIONS to the tyrants of Tehran! 

But Israel has a safety belt. Read on. — Mat

Defend Israel's right to defend itself! 


You and I, as evangelical Christians, are at the heart of U.S. support for Israel. 

As my late friend, Dr. Jerry Falwell, liked to say, "the Bible Belt in America is Israel's only safety belt right now."

Orthodox rabbi Daniel Lapin agrees. 

Since 1948, he notes, "Christian Evangelical strength in America has skyrocketed and paralleling it, so has American support for the Jewish state. 

America's Bible belt has become Israel's safety belt."

Please make your voice heard now. 

Stand with Israel and call on leaders in Congress to do the same. Simply sign our petition and fax congressional leaders demanding Congress STAND WITH ISRAEL!

Some 10 years ago, my wife, Anita, and I were on assignment in Israel. 

We traveled to Jerusalem at a time of fraying U.S.-Israeli relations under President Barack Hussein Obama. 

At the time, he was our nation's most hostile-to-Israel president ever — a label now worn by the White House's current occupant, Joe Biden.

We arrived in Israel shortly after Obama stunned the Jewish state by calling for a return to its narrow and indefensible pre-1967 borders. 

Anita and I came to deliver a simple message to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: The American people strongly support Israel.

During our meeting with the prime minister, he asked us to help build relationships between Israel and American believers. 

We eagerly agreed.

And that is why I am asking you now to stand with the Jewish state today!

I recently returned from leading a group of young adults on a tour of the Holy Land, and I can tell you that the Jewish state needs our support more than ever.

Let me remind you that God promises to bless you and me as we defend and bless Israel. 

His promise to Abraham, the father of the Jewish people, remains every bit as true now as when He first gave it millennia ago ...

I will bless those who bless you, and he who dishonors you I will curse (Genesis 12:3a).

Now, when Israel's very existence is in jeopardy, I urge you to bless — and firmly support — the modern-day nation of Israel!

Your voice, your prayers, and your financial support make a true difference on Israel's behalf. 

May I count on your support now at this moment of urgent challenge for the Jewish state?

Your financial support now will make a real difference

Israel has few friends in the world ... and none like the U.S. Please prayerfully consider supporting Christians in Defense of Israel by funding our work on behalf of the Jewish state and the Holy Land. 

Even a small recurring monthly gift would be greatly appreciated and incredibly helpful.  

Thank you for your friendship and your support for Israel!

Mat Staver

Christians in Defense of Israel

P.S. Join me on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Israel! Our Covenant Journey program takes Christians on a once-in-a-lifetime guided educational tour of Israel. Our next travel dates are in October of this year and April of 2024. Join us for 10 days of life-changing experiences in the Holy Land!

Don't miss your chance to deepen your faith by walking where the kings ruled, the prophets preached, and our Savior walked. Learn more at


"'Iran Has Enough Enriched Uranium to Make 4 Nuclear Bombs,' Israeli Army Says." Middle East Monitor, January 14, 2023. "This Barbaric, Wolflike & Infanticidal Regime of #Israel Which Spares No Crime Has No Cure but to Be Annihilated. 7/23/14#HANDSOFFALAQSA." Twitter, November 8, 2014. 

"Netanyahu Visits IDF Intel Base: Our Enemies Should Know, We Are Way ahead of You." The Times of Israel, May 23, 2023.  

Ravid, Barak. "Scoop: U.S. Discussing Freeze-for-Freeze Approach to Iran Nuclear Program." Axios, April 3, 2023.    

Christians in Defense of Israel is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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©2014-present Christians In Defense Of Israel. CIDI is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization supported by partners who believe in our work. Donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. We welcome your financial support. The mission of CIDI is to strengthen your Christian faith and inspire you to be a goodwill ambassador for Israel and the Jewish people. We accomplish this mission through education, advocacy, and life-changing Holy Land tours. Privacy Policy.

Christians in Defense of Israel
PO Box 540209
Orlando, FL 32854

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