Saturday, July 8, 2023



We are standing at a crossroad. 

Will we preserve freedom and virtue, or will our nation forcefully implement the LGBTQ agenda — on everyone?

We have a short window to stop the misnamed “Equality Act,” the newly reintroduced HR 15 bill. This bill now has every Democrat member of the House signed on as co-sponsors — 212. With 218 votes, the bill can bypass the Speaker and be rushed to the floor for a final vote.

The LGBTQ radicals are using last week’s wins at the Supreme Court, coupled with the overruling of Roe v. Wade, to push this bill forward.

Click the button below to send your faxes now and keep reading to get a chilling overview of this landmark battle. — Mat

STOP the Equality Act! Tell Congress to VOTE NO on HR15!


HR 15 — the deliberately misnamed “Equality Act” — is a dangerous bill purposefully designed to destroy churches and synagogues.

In 1987, then-Rep. William E. Dannemeyer quoted what was called the “Homosexual Manifesto.” 

He warned that the radical homosexual dream was to amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include every conceivable sexual perversity.

Thirty-six years later, their twisted dream is close to being reality. 

The Manifesto begins, “This essay is … an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressors.”

Most of the essay is not repeatable. 

Its author, Michael Swift, states: 

“All churches who condemn us will be closed.”

LGBTQ strategists know they are fighting to shut down every authentic church and any other voice that deviates from their agenda.

It is time to wake up our nation! 

We must preserve our freedom to worship and freedom of speech on this and every other vital issue. 

This is a dangerous bill. 

It is critically important that members of Congress hear from you right NOW. 

Tell Congress NO on HR 15, the misnamed “Equality Act.”

In his chilling prediction decades ago, Rep. Dannemeyer foresaw this dangerous legislation. He said the goal is:

“ … to amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include sexual preferences to the list of nondiscriminatory characteristics such as race, creed and color.” He said everyone “should be aware of the militant nature of the homosexual movement.”

The LGBTQ “dream” of yesterday has become today’s nightmare. The Equality Act legalizes every sexually deviant behavior. 

The “Q” in LGBTQ stands for “Queer,” according to the bill. 

“Queer” includes EVERYTHING outside of LGBT — including “minor attracted individuals” (pedophilia).

This bill is NOT about equality — if it were, the bill would not expressly state that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) cannot be used as a defense!

This bill is dangerous to every American. 

But working together, we can stop this nightmare from passing into law!

Please, make your voice heard today! 

Tell Congress NO “EQUALITY ACT”! Select here to SEND YOUR FAX NOW!

The vote will be close, and 212 Democrats in the House have already co-sponsored this bill. 

We need every vote to stop this dangerous bill. 

YOU can make the difference. 

Please do not think someone else will respond and you don’t need to. 

Everyone must speak up NOW by sending a fax and signing the petition!

America’s Judeo-Christian values are under attack as never before. 

As you likely know, Liberty Counsel has led the charge in defending religious freedom, the right to life, and the natural family.

Liberty Counsel and our clients rely on YOU. 

Without you, NONE of our work is possible. 

We need your help as never before! 

Thanks to generous supporters, our Challenge Grant will effectively DOUBLE YOUR DONATION

PLEASE, be a part of the blessing today by selecting here or the button below.

As always, I appreciate your prayers for our nation and for our team!

Mat Staver

Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Our 2023 Challenge Grant will DOUBLE THE IMPACT of every donation given today.


Prefer a petition instead of a fax? Select here.

Liberty Counsel is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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