Saturday, May 1, 2021



Biden's road to socialism

Readers write about president's plans, , vaccines, today's entitlement mentality

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President (and I use the term loosely) Biden seems to be taking the U.S. down a path to socialism by vastly expanding family leave, child care, health care, preschool and college education for millions of people to be financed with increased taxes on the wealthiest earners. 

Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried – so why does Biden think he can make it succeed now?

Biden is proposing free preschool for everyone and free community college for everyone. 

First of all, this will tax the current system by flooding it with many more people. 

These classrooms will be overcrowded. 

Second, many of these people are not qualified intellectually to succeed and will take up seats that could be used by more qualified students. 

Since there will be a shortage of seats, how will these seats be allocated? 

Most likely by race with priority given to minorities. 

Hasn't anyone figured out that affirmative action is discrimination, and discrimination is illegal and punishes the majority for sins they did not commit?

Who will pay for these programs? 

The "rich." That means Biden will take from the rich to give to the poor. That sounds good, but is it moral? That is not charity; it is theft.

TRENDING: Actress Rose McGowan: Democrats are in a 'deep cult' against making the world better

Brian Gross

Energy solution: Use less of it

WND, I beseech you to do a little more research on nuclear power. 

Sure, designs may have improved over the years, but please consider that there are still many accidents. 

Major ones like Chernobyl and Fukushima will never be resolved. 

There will always be an accident waiting to happen. 

See the documentary "Pandora's Promise."

There is no safe way to dispose of the nuclear waste. 

So-called solutions have always failed. 

Even the geological repository Onkalo, Finland, is short-sighted and will eventually fail.

We live in a very technological world, increasingly using more energy. 

Personally, I believe that we do not "need" half of it. 

My parents did without modern amenities; my grandparents had no electricity or running water. 

I am not suggesting that we go back to those days without automated washing machines, stoves and phones. 

I love my car and the internet! 

But each generation naturally takes more conveniences for granted, leading to wasteful processes and habits.

The last few decades especially have instilled a sense of entitlement in everyone. 

We have become consumers of everything that manufacturers have to offer … multiple TVs, cars, smartphones, etc. 

We should strive to get back to basics. Learning how to repair things instead of tossing them away. 

Teaching youngsters (and oldsters) to recycle, reuse and repair should be a priority.

Judy Dehaney

Forcing the vax is illegal

[Regarding "Biden considers requiring troops to get COVID shot"] The COVID vaccines are not FDA approved but only authorized to be administered under 21 US Code 360bbb-3. 

That code specifically says no person can be coerced into allowing an experimental medical procedure to be performed.

Forcing military personnel to take the vax is illegal. 

They are citizens first; military second. 

Joe and the Hoe can say what they want. 

They lack the authority to force people to do anything.


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