Saturday, May 1, 2021



A nation without police: The coming madness

Exclusive: Patrice Lewis predicts more private security for the rich, more crime victimizing the poor

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Law enforcement in our nation is facing a "perfect storm."

Stupid politicians are listening to stupid anarchists who want license to rampage across urban areas without repercussions. 

Law enforcement is under violent siege as they battle these monsters night after night, month after month. 

Police are leaving the profession in droves; not just because of the working conditions, but because stupid city governments refuse to support them.

The result is a massive police shortage across the country, especially in large blue cities. 

Police departments are also facing a recruiting crisis because qualified individuals are deciding they wouldn't touch the law enforcement profession with a 10-foot pole.

"It's the perfect storm," said a spokesman for the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police

"We are anticipating that the department is going to be understaffed by several hundred members, because hundreds of guys are either retiring or taking other jobs and leaving the department."

The former commissioner of the New York Police Department (NYPD) stated, "No police officer should work in a jurisdiction where they do not have the support of those they work for. 

Beginning today, I will no longer recommend young people consider the NYPD as a career."

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What would a world without police look like? 

Predictably, there's a website with that name which explores that very topic. 

Reading it is like reading every liberal utopian buzzword in an urban dictionary.

"We live in a society where almost every social problem – from noisy neighbors to broken taillights – has become a point of police intervention," the website begins. 

"The result is an epidemic of harassment and violence. 

But what if we found other ways to solve our issues? 

What if we rolled back police power, and abolished the institution entirely? Here you are invited to think and act with other visionaries, and find ways to achieve a police-free world. 

… Police violence stems not just from bad apples or bad attitudes, but from what police must be and do in America. 

The only way to stop the violence is to abolish the police, and transform the conditions that gave rise to them. 

… Cops don't just kill. 

They patrol schools, hospitals, and public transit. 

… In all these spaces, they enforce white supremacy and protect property and commerce over human life. 

… We're not fighting for a new police – nicer, more diverse, with better training than their predecessors – nor even a new justice system. 

We're fighting for a world without police." [Emphasis in original.]

So let me get this straight. 

If Portland abolishes its police force, Antifa would peacefully go home? 

If Seattle abolished its police force, BLM would dissolve itself? 

In any urban center across America, abolishing police forces would mean universal peace and harmony? 

Rapes would cease? Armed burglaries would stop? 

Murders would become nonexistent? Looting would never happen? Really?

I realize reality is very, very difficult for the progressive mind to grasp, but let me try.

During 2020 and early 2021 – when policing efforts were decreasing everywhere because of defunding and attrition – cities saw the steepest increase in homicides in American history. 

Tragically, the bulk of these murders happened in low-income communities that already disproportionately suffer increased crime. 

"President Biden's criminal-justice policies stand to exacerbate the ongoing crime wave while ignoring its causes," notes Tyler Durden . [Emphasis added.]

Sensible people are blasting the trend to defund the police as the madness that it is. 

Former Arizona police officer Brandon Tatum (who is black) slammed the notion in a BBC interview. 

"President Biden is an idiot in my personal opinion," stated Tatum. 

"We don't have a problem with racism in our country; we have a problem with people not following the law. 

We also have a problem with politicians making up things so they can get reelected. 

And that's exactly what has been happening. 

That's why you never see anything change. 

They're lying to us. 

… They're just making things up in my personal opinion, and they're riding a wave of dead black people in order to make money and get political leverage."

We only have to look at the societal carnage for places that have already defunded or severely reduced their police.

Minneapolis is the classic example, a city that saw a 105% increase in shootings and a 70% increase in homicides last year. 

It also had off-the-charts increases in auto theft, carjacking, robberies, aggravated assaults and arson. 

Faced with a wave of violent crime and a shortage of officers, it seems Minneapolis is regretting its decision to defund the police. 

Social workers just don't have the same abilities or training as an armed law enforcement officer when a violent crime is in progress.

What do the citizens of Minneapolis (or any other similarly affected urban area) think about this? 

Perhaps readers can chime in with their thoughts.

Don't think African-Americans are in favor of abolishing the police, either. 

In fact, 61% percent of African-Americans do not want the police defunded, while "nearly 90% of black Americans agreed that reforming the criminal justice system, increasing accountability within law enforcement, and raising awareness about its potential for abuse will be more effective in the long run. 

… These aren't the numbers 'Defund the Police' activists like to report." 

In another poll, 70% of African-Americans believe their local police are doing a good job.

Are you listening, liberals?

Sadly, the American left is likely to get its wish. 

Policing is no longer a viable career. 

In urban centers all across America, law enforcement officials are resigning, quitting, or retiring in droves, no longer willing to put their lives on the line when city governments do little but mock them. 

Younger people will avoid entering a field where they will be hated and despised their entire professional career. 

The inevitable result of this defund-the-police madness is that the wealthy will pool their resources and hire private security, and the poor will suffer as always.

"The crime waves many cities, including Minneapolis, are suffering were completely predictable and totally avoidable," notes PJ Media. "City councils acted rashly to appease activist mobs. 

In every single case, it was Democrats who made the terrible choice to gut their police departments and turn their cities over to chaos and violence."

When America becomes a lawless, anarchist country, will progressives learn their lesson? 

Of course not.

God help us all, but especially those living in urban areas.

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