Friday, March 5, 2021



The radical LGBT & Q and the powerful abortion lobby are doing everything they can to ram the dangerous "Equality Act" down the throats of every American. This bill will revoke RFRA religious freedom protections and push both the LGBTQ and abortion agendas into our homes, our schools and yes, even our churches.

On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer used a special provision to push the "Equality Act" straight to the Senate floor. His acceleration instantly bypasses all committees. That means this dangerous bill is LIVE right now and can be voted on at any moment on the Senate floor!

I will share more about this below. —Mat

Fax the Senate NOW—Tell them to STOP THE "EQUALITY ACT." Select here or the button below.


Churches and religious schools must have the right to teach the next generation biblical values. Without this freedom, churches and schools become targets for oppression—and under this bill, costly litigation. Communist countries relentlessly target churches to silence them. That is exactly what HR 5 does to churches and religious schools.


Send a fax immediately to help us fight against this outrageous bill.

Imagine your children at church or Christian school being taught by a male "drag queen," and the church or school is powerless to say, "No, this violates our biblical beliefs!" Seems far-fetched? It's not.

We actually have a case of an elementary teacher in Madison, Wisconsin, who sent the children in K-5 a video telling the youngsters to no longer refer to him as "Mr." From henceforth, they must refer to him as "Mx" because he is “neither male nor female." He says he is "both, and sometimes neither."

Just as disturbing, this educator teaches science, leaving one to wonder just how "Mx" intends to skew incontrovertible biology to justify his own gender confusion ... and to further confuse his young K-5 students.

If this person, who now goes by "Mx. Steele," taught your children in your church or school, HR 5 would give him the legal right to do what he did in this public school. Resistance would result in lawsuits by the U.S. Department of Justice as well as by private individuals for "discrimination."

And as you know from our other religious liberty legal work, very few people could afford to defend themselves from these lawsuits.

The "Equality Act" will force churches and religious schools—pre-K through college—to remain silent and submit.

Not only will churches and religious schools face costly lawsuits, but they'll also lose tax exemption, and schools will lose accreditation. For most schools, especially colleges and universities, loss of accreditation is a death sentence.

Remember the for-profit ITT Technical Institute? It closed after losing accreditation. The 70 campuses of Brightwood College also closed in 2018 after losing accreditation.

Many colleges will not accept credits from unaccredited schools, and many graduate schools will not accept students from unaccredited undergraduate programs. Students attending unaccredited schools are ineligible for student loans. The loss of accreditation would devastate most schools, unless they chose to cave to the radical LGBT & Q and abortion agenda.


Rush your urgent fax to the Senate to stop the "Equality Act."

Please be in prayer for our team and our clients. America's Judeo-Christian values are under assault. And Liberty Counsel is busier than ever defending religious freedom and the sanctity of human life.

Please, help us defend freedom by making your best possible donation today. Your donation will effectively be DOUBLED by a generous Challenge Grant. Select here or the button below.

Mat Staver,
Founder and Chairman

P.S. Our Challenge Grant will DOUBLE THE IMPACT of every donation given today.

NEW! Liberty Counsel now accepts Bitcoin! Select here to make your donation in Bitcoin today!


Prefer a petition over a fax? Select here.

Note: In addition to HR 5, House Democrats have teed up yet another disastrous bill in HR 1 that seeks to strip away nearly every voter fraud prevention method and open the floodgates for election fraud. We will update you soon. In the meantime, take a moment to review our special fax telling Congress: Don't Legalize Election Fraud! Select here.

Liberty Counsel is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

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©1995-present, Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and the family.  Privacy Policy.

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PO Box 540774
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