Today's devotional reading for: Friday, Aug 28, 2020 Faith’s Ultimate Test
“And Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son.”
— Genesis 22:10
Do you face a test of faith today?
Is God calling you to leap into the unknown, into uncertain, perhaps even treacherous waters?
If so, maybe Abraham’s story will inspire you.
God’s familiar voice rang out, “Abraham.” And Abraham responded, “Here I am, [Lord].” The Lord gave Abraham instructions: “Take now your son … and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering …”
Perhaps no more painful words have ever been heard.
All of Abraham’s joy disappeared in a flash.
However, Abraham did not question; he simply obeyed.
First thing the next morning, he prepared for the journey to the mountains.
No questions, just obedience.
For three long days he walked with Isaac at his side, Isaac who knew nothing of his father’s mission.
Only God and Abraham knew what lay at the end of this journey.
Silently, Abraham and Isaac climbed to the top of Mount Moriah.
Once there, father and son erected an altar together.
Then Abraham bound his son and, summoning all of his strength, laid Isaac upon the altar.
With his heart about to break, Abraham lifted the knife above Isaac’s chest.
As Abraham began to plunge the knife downward, he again heard that familiar voice,
“Abraham, Abraham … Do not lay your hand on the lad.”
God intervened and provided a ram in Isaac’s place.
God didn’t want Abraham to sacrifice his son.
God wanted obedience.
Through this incident, God tested Abraham’s faith.
He wanted to know which would win out: a father’s love for his child or his obedience to his God.
When we truly have faith in God, we will trust Him and do whatever He asks of us.
Abraham was a man of tremendous faith—he trusted God with his son’s life, believing that God could raise the dead (Hebrews 11:17–19).
Faith trusts that whatever God commands must be done, and what God has promised He will perform in His own time.
So, back to you and your test of faith.
Ask God to show you clearly what He wants you to do.
And when He does, follow Him without question or dispute.
He can (and did) raise the dead; He can surely work good through your obedience.
“Doubt sees the obstacles—faith sees the way.”
Ira Lee Eshleman | ||||||
Christ Jesus prayed that all those who would believe in Him would be ONE, just as He and the Father are ONE; that they be brought to complete unity so that the world would know that He was sent by the Father. (John 17:20-23)
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