“I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; my heart also instructs me in the night seasons. I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved” (Psalm 16:7-8).
David is essentially declaring, “God is always present before me and I’m determined to keep him present in my thoughts. He faithfully guides me day and night.
I don’t ever become confused.”
Some Christians say, “The Lord never speaks to me.
I don’t ever hear his voice.” I sincerely question this.
How can we state that God’s Spirit lives and works in us, yet he doesn’t speak to us? If we say we live and walk in the Spirit — if he is ever present in our heart, always at our right hand ready to direct our lives — then he wants to converse with us. He desires a dialogue; hearing from us and speaking into our lives.
Perhaps you’re afraid of listening to the “inner voices.”
You think you’ll end up being deceived by your flesh, or worse, by the enemy.
This is certainly a valid concern for every servant of Jesus.
After all, the devil spoke to Christ himself.
And he speaks to the holiest of God’s people today.
But all too often, such caution becomes a paralyzing fear that prevents many Christians from launching out in faith, trusting God’s Spirit to faithfully guide their steps.
The truth is, those who spend time in God’s presence learn to distinguish his voice from all others.
Jesus said of himself,
“The sheep follow [the shepherd], for they know his voice … My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:4, 27).
We have a safeguard: Jesus, the Good Shepherd, will never let Satan deceive any saint who trusts fully in his abiding presence.
He promises to speak clearly to all who commune daily with him.
By contrast, if we don’t step out in faith — if we refuse to trust in the Lord’s guiding presence — we are sure to fall into deception.
Why? Because if we don’t allow His Spirit to speak to us, the only voice we will rely on is that of our flesh.
God wants to speak to you today.
He may do it through his Word, through a godly friend, or through the Spirit’s still, small voice, whispering, “This is the way, walk in it.”
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