Friday, June 28, 2019


The Huey Report Newsletter that you requested
June 13, 2019
Dear Friend,

Welcome to our newsletter, where you'll discover critical news important to Christians and our culture that you won't find anywhere else.
Are We on the Verge of War? 12 Important Things You Should Know about Iran

The recent shoot-down of an unmanned U.S. reconnaissance aircraft over the Strait of Hormuz by an Iranian missile has escalated tensions between the two governments to a dangerous level.

President Trump has shown great restraint in not responding to this attack militarily – choosing for the time being to increase economic sanctions on Iran instead.

Here are 12 important things you need to know to understand what’s going on in Iran and why...

Crime Spike: How Bad Laws Have Hurt and Killed People

Across America, large cities controlled by socialists have seen their crime spike...

Murder ... Shootings ... Thefts…

Some is due to gang violence. Some is due to homelessness. Some is random. More and more is organized violence.

All of it is hurting the innocent and giving no hope to victims or to the criminals caught in a web of evil...

Undermining Democracy from Within: The Chilling Effects of the Deep State Resistance Movement [Video]

The mainstream media won’t tell you what’s going on...

The politicians are ignoring the problem…

But the chilling effects of both current and former career government bureaucrats – the Deep State resistance movement – are being exposed.

The effects are far more devastating than any foreign influence in our elections could ever be…

FreedomFest 2019: Join “The World’s Largest Gathering of Free Minds” [Video]

If you love liberty, the free market and intellectual stimulation, you won’t want to miss FreedomFest 2019 at the Paris Resort in Las Vegas July 17-20.
Among the 260 sessions, workshops and panel discussions on free market capitalism, business and investment ideas, there will be a spirited debate on July 18th between Canadian businessman and Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary and John MacKey, CEO of Whole Foods Market…

We need your help

We are looking for volunteers who are knowledgeable in Internet security to help us with securing our websites and other parts of our organization.

If that's you and you'd like to help out, then please reply to this email with your email address and how we can best contact you.

That's it for this issue of Reality Alert! Stay tuned for our next issue when we look at more local and national news affecting you and your family.

Yours in love, faith, and hope,
Craig A. Huey
Reality Alert/Election Forum
Where the Spirit of the Lord Is, There Is Liberty (2 Cor. 3:17)
P.S. - If this was forwarded to you, click here for a FREE subscription to Reality Alert. Sign up on our homepage.
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