Friday, February 1, 2019


Who Would Refuse?
Harriett Ford

We all love gifts, most of the time. Some are returned and some are exchanged. However, who would refuse a gift offered to us by the Holy Spirit?

Those who have been wrongly taught (I Cor. 12: 1)? 

Those who fear the supernatural? (Acts 2: 11-13). 

Those who do not seek or bother to ask? (Luke 11: 13)? 

Those who depend on others’ faith and to do their praying for them (Acts 8: 24)? 

Those who feel they do not qualify?

Guess what. 
None of us qualify. 

If we could be “good enough,” Jesus would never have had to come and die on the cross for us, becoming sin so that we could be made the righteousness of God.

Not only that, He offers us the power to be His witnesses through the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1: 9). Who doesn’t want that gift?

I am not satisfied to do what I can do in my own natural strength, for then God doesn’t get the glory. 
I am hungering and thirsting for His supernatural power to work through me for the benefit of others who need His touch, not mine.
The gift is always to bless others (I Cor. 12: 7). 
Believers are blessed to be a blessing, forgiven to be forgiving, comforted to be comforting, edified to be edifying. 

Who would refuse that?
Father, I ask You for the power of the Holy Spirit to work in and through me daily, so that others may know that Jesus is alive and willing to restore, bless, and heal them. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

Harriett Ford’s newest book, Faith Says What God Says is available. Contact

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