In this mailing:
- Judith Bergman: Belgium Welcomes Multiculturalism
- Uzay Bulut: Turkey's Sweeping "Educational" Penetration into the Balkans
by Judith Bergman • January 31, 2019 at 5:00 am
The report notes that the texts used call for gays to be stoned to death or thrown off buildings, and described Jews as "corrupt, evil and treacherous people".... The writings, the report continued...called for "war" on all people who do not follow Sunni Islam — From a recent report by the Belgian State Security Service.
"[T]he most important principle of jihad is to fight unbelievers and aggressors... Armed jihad becomes an individual duty for every Muslim." — From a teaching manual used in Belgian mosques, according to a leaked intelligence report.
Such manuals, noted the report, are widely available "thanks to the unlimited financial and technological means of the proselytizing apparatus of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states." The manuals, the report added, were found not only in Belgium but also in neighboring countries.
In May, Benjamin Herman, a criminal who converted to Islam in prison, murdered three people (including two police officers) in Liège, Belgium while out on a 48-hour leave. He then shot and wounded four more police officers while shouting "Allahu Akbar." Pictured: The city center of Liège. (Image source: iStock)
Belgium, in its well-intended welcome of newcomers from the Middle East, is now facing a persistent terrorist threat and a "wave of jihadism", according to a new report published by the Belgian State Security Service (VSSE) on November 30. The main reason for these recent acquisitions, notes the report, is the ongoing Islamic radicalization of inmates in Belgian prisons and the risk of terrorist convicts engaging in terrorist acts once they have served their sentences and are back out on the street.
"In the coming years," states the report, "the VSSE will be brought to pay particular attention to monitoring detainees convicted of acts of terrorism [after they are] released into freedom". The authors of the report do not reveal how many radicalized prisoners there are in Belgium; only that in September 2018, there were 130 inmates sentenced for terrorism or "in preventive detention in the context of a terrorism record".
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