Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Be a Mustard Seed
by Robert Schaetzle

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a tiny mustard seed planted in a field. It is the smallest of all seeds but becomes the largest of plants, and grows into a tree where birds can come and find shelter.” Mathew 13:31-32TLB

This parable truly demonstrates how the Spirit of God’s presence can, and will, expand and mature our faith. Faith given to us by God is the ingredient that leads us to trust Him more as we put less confidence in self. Life through our new birth in Christ blossoms like the tiny mustard seed and reveals an abundance of God’s love and grace.

God’s word takes time to fully comprehend and develop so we have full knowledge of our Lord’s intent. Just like the tiny Mustard seed planted in fertile soil, our growth and learning take patience and time before we reap the rewards. 

How many times have we read a passage of scripture and said to ourselves; 
“I never saw that before!” 

All of a sudden, a new revelation from His eternal word has blossomed in just the right season. Only God knows when the season is right and we’re capable and ready to be led onto another avenue in our growth. 

Father, I trust you, plant me in fertile soil; like the mustard seed, grow in me deep roots of understanding of your eternal word that lead to everlasting promise and purpose in my life. AMEN

Robert Lives in Sunnyvale, CA serving in a Sharing and Caring Ministry. Contact

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