Thursday, December 28, 2017


Before he was hired by the school, he was “previously convicted of knife threats in connection with an honor conflict” with a rival Muslim clan. So why did the school hire this savage in the first place? And look at the vile message he sent to the girl along with the picture: “You will rot on my cock. You will not be able to go for two days.”
This is the savagery, this is the barbarism that the Swedish government has brought into the country in massive numbers. Did Swedish authorities think that once he had a job at this school, that he would become a loyal Swedish citizen and forget about raping kuffar women and getting into knife fights with other Muslim clans? They better reevaluate their core assumptions quickly. But they won’t.
And look at the picture of the savage, no doubt supplied by police. Are police covering up his face so that people in Sweden won’t be able to tell that before too long he will be walking around loose again?
“Criminals were employed to ‘integrate’ school – sent penis images to 14 years old,” Google Translate from Fria Tider, December 13, 2017 (thanks to V.)
Domestic. A man previously convicted of knife threats in connection with a honor conflict with a rival Arab clan was employed as a student counselor at a primary school. It ended with sending penis pictures to a 14 year old girl.
“You will rot on my cock. You will not be able to go for two days,” he wrote in a text message to the girl.
The 25-year-old Arab, who profiles himself as a convinced anti-racist, was commissioned to act as a supervisor of the school leadership at the School of Lilla Edet.
According to the judgment, he would “create good contact with school pupils, including in connection with the living room” and “enable them to take care of their schooling”. He himself states that he was a student counselor for new arrivals and that he “got an assignment to create the conditions for integration at school”.
The 14-year-old girl at school told her in a hearing that she quickly got in touch with the student counselor and regarded him as a friend.
After a while, however, he began to give her unpleasant eyes and comments. The girl chose to break the contact with the student counselor “after sending text messages meaning that she would rot on his cock and that she could not go for two days if she had sex,” according to the judgment.
He also sent a picture on his penis to her via Snapchat.
The 25-year-old himself claims that he has only “supported” and “been there for” the girl.
“I have seen myself as a model for the youth and I have helped everyone who has come to me,” he says.
Vänersborg’s District Court, however, considers the man to be convinced and convicts him for generous 40 days of daily fines for sexual abuse. He will also pay $ 8,000 in damages to the girl.
The 25-year-old man has previously been convicted of crimes. In October 2009, he was convicted of unlawful threats in connection with a honor conflict with another Arab family, whom he considered violated his mother.
– I’ll kill you, I’ll kill your family, I’ll send my son to burn your apartment and fuck your daughter, his mother said in Arabic when she called the other family.
The son, then the student counselor, then went to your armed forces with two knives and tried to get into the rival family’s house. However, he was stopped at the last moment by two police officers who were on the spot.
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My comments: Sweden is hopelessly Lost, having Surrendered to Islam.

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