Thursday, December 28, 2017


Authorities in France have given the thumbs-up for Muslims to go ahead with their street prayers — despite the fact that the crowds of bowing Islam believers block traffic and cause chaos in public.
But when it comes to a Christmas movie?
Muslims praying in the streets of France cause traffic congestion and chaos.
These same officials say it can’t be played because it’s just “too Christian” in nature.
Voice of Europe has the story:
France is a secular Republic, because it separates religion and state and it mostly sees religion as a private matter; restricted to the home and places of worship.
But for years, France has allowed Muslim street prayers and to heavily criticise them was simply not done. Sometimes even roads were blocked and cars were being redirected to make room for Muslim street prayers. It looks like when Islam is involved, France’s secular principles have suddenly disappeared.
For Christianity in France it’s a totally different story. According to the European Post, a Christmas movie in the French city of Langon was banned, because it was “too Christian”, or “not secular enough”. The European Post writes:
A Christmas movie was judged by teachers as “not secular enough” and was therefore banned from schools in the French city of Langon in the department of Gironde on 13 December.
83 students of a French school started to watch the movie “The Star“, a computer animated adventure comedy based on the history of Jesus, a movie produced by Columbia Pictures.
But when the teachers realised the subject of the movie was the nativity of Jesus Christ, they immediately cancelled it because it was “not secular enough”. All students were obliged to go back to school without watching the end of the movie.
Earlier France’s “one-sided secularism” showed its ugly face as well: France’s highest administrative court ordered in November to remove a cross from a Pope John Paul II statue in Ploërmel near Brittany. The same court ordered to remove a Nativity scene in the municipal hall of the town of Béziers in the same month.
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