Wednesday, February 22, 2017


sheriff clarke

Sheriff Clarke – President Trump The Winston Churchill Of 21st Century

In an interview on the Fox Business Channel, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke offered his views on the thugs, paid agitators and useful self-serving idiots creating a nuisance of themselves across the country with their incessant agitation, protests, disruptions, rallies and riots.
Sheriff Clarke said, “You know these people are like petulant children stomping their feet with these child-like nursery rhyme slogans, ‘hey, hey, ho, ho.’ That stuff is stupid, it’s very juvenile behavior but that’s quite alright if they want to act like that. “
Clarke continues, saying, “Look, I think Donald Trump, and I really believe this, he has the chance to be the Winston Churchill of the 21st Century. If he continues to focus on what he talked about during the campaign and what he still continues to talk about in terms of making America great again, making America safe again, I believe he will be that Winston Churchill of the 21st Century.”
“So, the big thing for him,” says Clarke, “is just to stay focused. They’re trying to intimidate him into inaction. They’re trying to deny him his lawful position as President of the United States. He is the President of the United States. He’s the President of all people, I know he’s the President, I was in Washington DC during inaugural week. I saw him put his hand on the Bible and take the oath and be sworn in.”
Clarke adds, “And so he is the President of all people. That doesn’t mean all people have to like him but all people must respect him as the 45th President of the United States.”
Of course those are true words in many regards but there is a large segment of the left that is more than willing to sacrifice the nation in the interest of fulfilling their reckless and dangerous agenda. They won’t respect anyone who is not one of their political persuasion nor will they remain civil in either their speech or their actions. Most of those demonstrating on the left are brainwashed idiots for whom the childish rhymes are well-suited. Others are manipulating the stupid people, utilizing the useful idiots as force multipliers.
Neither will respect President Trump; one because he’s a threat to their ideology and agenda, the other because they were simply told not to.

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