Wednesday, February 22, 2017


dobbs collins

Dobbs – Obama Sedition Against America, Time To Eliminate Filibuster

Lou Dobbs raises the activities of Hussein Obama and without mentioning him by name, his sponsor, George Soros. He notes their attacks on the United States and its people, waging obstructionist, vitriolic and outright hostile campaigns against the President of the United States and the government we elected.
Dobbs interviews Rep Chris Collins (R-NY), referencing the actions of “Barack Obama, who many claim will be creating a shadow government to frustrate the policy goals of this administration.” He says,”we’re looking at something that’s coming very close, it seems to me, to sedition.”
Dobbs continues, “When you start working against the interests of the United States government, whether it’s in the person of Donald Trump or whomever, and conspiring and organizing, to frustrate the policies that he intends to execute, I think that that really takes us to a whole other level. What do you think?”
Rep Collins concurs, saying, “I agree and it started with the play book when the Democrats just had their retreat, they called it their retreat, as to how they’re going to disrupt the government of the United States to make sure that Donald J. Trump, President, doesn’t get anything done. I think, Lou, what they’re doing is they’re playing with dynamite here, and they’re just begging us to get rid of the filibuster.”
Collins tells Dobbs, “Not only on the Supreme Court but frankly, get rid of the filibuster on legislation, that’s something that I would support and if we do that, they become totally irrelevant. Let Senator Schumer and the others do anything they can. Absent the filibuster they become irrelevant, we move this country forward faster than anyone would ever think possible and we’ll achieve success for the American public and the Democrats will be wandering lost in the desert for a very long time.”
Dobbs adds, “And with that the country being restored again to safety, security, to prosperity and great again.”

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