Sunday, December 4, 2016





Exclusive: Craige McMillan explains reality of elites losing their grip on the planet

When it seems as though half the country has lost its mind … well, it’s actually only a few, but they have wide influence. The post-presidential election havoc in our nation is also mirrored in the crumbling European Union that is coming apart after the Brexit vote by the U.K.
For many years prior to this election, sufficient numbers of ordinary people simply failed to exercise their voice at election time. This enabled those in power to “manage” election results. They did this through big media, election polling data and fraud.
In the U.S., that “management” grew more and more difficult as the economy crashed in 2007. While there is widespread disagreement over almost everything today, economic progress ain’t among that crowd. Most people think their children’s lives should be better than their own. When it becomes evident that they won’t be, the election managers have a problem.
This U.S. presidential election proved to be unmanageable for the elites and their candidate. The “wrong” candidate won. Thus the electioneering now goes on even after the election, with recounts, lawsuits, death threats against electors and mobs in the street.
The so-called “elites” have undergone quite a transformation even during my lifetime. At one time in history they were qualified people and families whose demands upon the system, when measured against the services they provided, were not overly burdensome.
Like all inherited wealth and power, though, the next generation proved inferior to the generation before it. The new elites wanted more for themselves and provided less benefit in return. This decline snowballed, and now here we are, $20 trillion in debt.
The elites in the United States and EU consider themselves the most entitled generation in history. 
They are entitled to have money. 
They are entitled to exercise power. 
And they are entitled to be above the law. 
In fact, they believe they are entitled to rule the entire world, and they were well on their way to achieving that goal.
As such, these elitists despise others who have worked hard, served others and reaped the rewards of that effort. That economic system is called capitalism.
Crony capitalism is the enemy of capitalism. Crony capitalism is implemented by government under the direction of a decaying generation of elites – the ones who consider themselves entitled, but feel they are being under rewarded for their skills.
By approving mergers and monopolies, the ruling elites ingratiate themselves into the power structure of huge business enterprises that employ tens and hundreds of thousands of people. The crony-capitalist leadership is all too happy to trade social compliance for economic advantage. Thus the favored agendas of those in power are enforced not by the government, but by employers. That’s called fascism. It’s the union of incompetent government with incompetent business leadership. Each one needs the other to survive.
The extreme version of this is seen in the European Union. There, unelected bureaucrats from the EU dictate policy to elected legislative bodies in member states. Is it any wonder the U.K. wanted out? Why is it such a surprise that the elites and their crony-capitalist enablers continually demand more and more for less and less?
Entitlement has a long and dark history in the human soul. How and why that came to be is another story, for another time. But entitlement is deeply tied to failure – both with the individual and the society.
Making America great again means putting an end to these corrupt alliances. Do you think the privileged and incompetent are going to go quietly?

My comments: The Elites that Craige McMillan speaks of Comprise the godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist CABAL. They Comprise the Woman Babylon, who Rules over the kings of the Earth.  (Revelation 17:18) kings They are Diametrically Opposed to God and His Word. It is out of their midst will come the Antichrist of Revelation. And we know that they will not go away Quietly because the Antichrist will be revealed Soon.

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