Sunday, December 4, 2016




Spiritual warfare in today's America

At Christmastime, hundreds of millions of Christians worldwide celebrate the birth of Jesus. Pastors passionately recount every aspect of his life – from his virgin birth, ministry, parables and miracles to his confrontations with authorities, crucifixion, resurrection and prophesied second coming.
Yet, one major part of Jesus’ ministry is often downplayed – and even when it is mentioned, there seems to be little or no relevance to today’s world.
Everywhere he went, Jesus cast out demons – evil spirits – and so did his disciples and followers. In fact, based on the large number of Bible verses documenting this, in Christianity’s early years it was not uncommon for mature, faithful Christians to exercise God’s power and authority over demonic influences.
What about today’s chaotic, troubled and increasingly godless world?
With millions of Americans conflicted and addicted, burdened by depression, anxiety, obsessions, phobias, violent or suicidal feelings, destructive compulsions and inner voices – and psychiatry offering little beyond powerful, poorly understood drugs – it may be time to consider the possible spiritual origins, and solutions, to some of our most vexing problems.
Thus, December’s issue of Whistleblower offers a riveting and highly insightful look at this subject, titled “DELIVER US FROM EVIL: Spiritual warfare in today’s America.”

Issue highlights include:
  • “Delivering us from evil” by David Kupelian, on real-life spiritual warfare in modern America
  • “Psychiatrist goes demon hunting with exorcists” by Garth Kant, in which a board-certified psychiatrist and professor of clinical psychiatry confides that it’s “hard to deal” with the supernatural cases he frequently sees “without believing pretty strongly in a world of evil spirits”
  • “Meet a modern-day pastor who casts out demons” by Garth Kant, revealing a proven, biblical method for freeing people from dark forces that have plagued them for decades
  • “Billy Graham talks about demons”
  • “You gotta serve somebody” by Joseph Farah, who asks: “Time is running out. Are you going to be among the scoffers, mockers, proud, unholy, worldly?”
  • “Rejoice always? Really?” by popular pastor Greg Laurie, on maintaining personal peace even when your world is spinning out of control
  • “Messiahs false and true” by David Kupelian, who takes readers on a wild ride through outer and inner space in search of the Savior of mankind.
“The Bible repeatedly describes Jesus Christ as boldly but calmly casting out demons,” said Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, “a practice his followers also carried out at his direction. But a great deal of today’s ‘exorcism’ scene takes on the appearance of a three-ring circus and freak show. Most of the exorcism videos posted online and in news stories today, some featuring intensely emotional ‘exorcists’ engaged in dramatic shouting matches with their ‘possessed’ patients, are widely missing the mark.”
Kupelian added: “Genuine deliverance from demonic oppression and influence is very real, but it is not a bizarre, circus-like event. It is something entirely different – dignified, honest, sincere, beautiful, cleansing and quietly life-changing. That’s what this issue of Whistleblower is all about.”
SPECIAL OFFER: For a limited time, subscribe to Whistleblower, renew or give a gift subscription for one year and you’ll get $10 off the already discounted rate (pay only $39.95 instead of the usual $49.95), plus you’ll receive TWO free gifts:
First, you’ll get “Spiritual Warfare: Christians, Demonization and Deliverance” by Dr. Karl Payne, which is not only the most popular book on the subject, written by a distinguished pastor and academic (and longtime Seattle Seahawks chaplain), but has received uniformly rave reviews from reader-reviewers, with virtually every Amazon reader awarding the book a glowing five-star review.
Payne’s approach to demonization doesn’t come from book learning. It is based on working with hundreds of people tormented by spiritual oppression. He has developed, working with others with even more experienced in the area, some key techniques that all too few clergy and lay people understand.
“I personally believe that demonic deception is increasing, even within the Christian church, and that the worst of this deception is still to come,” Payne asserts. “If God allows demonic activity to increase until His return, I believe He will also train up and equip a growing number of His children to faithfully and effectively contend with the powers of darkness who oppose His plans and people. Too many North American churches are well on their way to becoming the same spiritually dead museums as Western European churches.”
Joseph Farah, founder of WND and WND Books, which publishes “Spiritual Warfare,” says he frequently gives copies away to people when he hears about cases of spiritual oppression and demonization. “I can’t tell you how many people have told me it has helped them immensely in understanding the reality of spiritual warfare,” Farah says. “And that’s exactly why we believed this book is what is needed in our world at this unique time in history.”

Second, you’ll get a copy of the electrifying new Whistleblower special report, “WHO RIGGED THE SYSTEM?” Subtitled, “The 2016 election reveals just how crooked and corrupt America’s major institutions have become,” this issue confronts one of the most important and controversial stories to emerge during the 2016 presidential election. And that is the dramatic, unfolding revelation that America – once heralded as an unparalleled land of blessings and freedom, limitless opportunity and a level playing field for all – is “rigged.” Rigged for the benefit of some, at the expense of others. So rigged in fact, in so many areas and so many ways, as to shake Americans’ confidence not only in their government, schools and news media – institutions most people already consider compromised or corrupt – but also their criminal justice system, their economy, even their elections.
The story of the rigging of America – of who has done it, how, why, and most importantly, how it can be un-rigged – is a story every American needs to hear and understand.
EVEN BETTER OFFER: Subscriberenew or give a gift subscription for two years and not only will you receive Dr. Karl Payne’s “Spiritual Warfare” and the special Whistleblower report “WHO RIGGED THE SYSTEM?,” but you’ll get $10 off the already discounted two-year rate (pay only $74.95 instead of the usual $84.95).
These special free offers will end without notice and are good in the U.S. only.
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