Sunday, December 4, 2016


pope kerry invasion plans

Kerry And Pope Plot Next Phase Of Invasion, Globalist Attack

According to the Catholic News Agency, John Kerry decided to pop on over to the Pope’s place for a chat regarding their two highest profile globalist causes, the global warming hoax and the forced repopulation of the free and civilized world with Islamists. Both are critical components to their imposition of world government under the UN.
Kerry was in town under the pretext of extending his magic diplomatic curse to the “crisis in the Mediterranean region.”  CNA reports that “the main purpose of the gathering is to draft a ‘positive agenda’ for the Mediterranean region given the current challenges by coming up with new ideas and rethinking traditional approaches at both the local and international levels.”
That’s about as sure of a guarantee of pre-destined failure and irrelevance as one could imagine. Putting a positive spin on things isn’t helpful if there’s nothing positive underlying it, it’s called denial. To predict new ideas and approaches is to infer that suddenly the geniuses have arrived on the scene. If Kerry’s ideas were so great, we wouldn’t be re-issuing sanctions against Iran and watching as our money goes to finance terror and kidnappings continue. He’s an idiot and a traitor, maybe Pope Frank has a use for that kind of person, he can keep him.
They plan on this being an ineffective exercise, as it’s now scheduled to be an annual affair. This year is the second go-round. Last year’s strokes of genius didn’t quite cut the Heinz mustard. With nothing accomplished this year, they can look forward to another incarnation, the third edition, although, thankfully, America will have real representation if we find it in our national interest to attend next year. Kerry will be off scaring young children at Halloween parties or otherwise occupied after January.
We’re given scraps of information, and left to our own devices to reconstruct the events and implied achievements as best we can. The CNA says that the two focused on the “challenges of migration.” By challenges, they mean the resistance that is increasingly manifesting itself politically by Western citizens around the world to being forced to accept globalism and Islamic conquest by their duplicitous and treasonous leadership.
They note that this year’s meeting focused on how the Mediterranean has “increasingly become the epicenter of international disorder,” and seems to now be “synonymous” with conflict, instability, terrorism and mass migration. It’s funny how Kerry and Obama’s involvement has that effect on places. If you add in Pope Frank, the EU and the UN, it’s a recipe for a hopeless quagmire, guaranteed.
But they put that pretty sounding name their gathering, “Beyond Turmoil. A Positive Agenda.” They should hand out copies to each Islamic invader, particularly the ISIS members disguised as “Syrian refugees,” in preparation for their spontaneous epiphanies and conversions to “moderate terrorists.” The pompous asses responsible for the nonsense said leaders “are called upon to define a long-term, comprehensive strategy to stabilize the region: this should become Europe’s new historic mission.”
Actually, getting rid of the manipulative would-be dictators is their new historic mission and it’s already well underway. As for things that “should be,” the oligarchs responsible for this mess “should be in prison,” individuals like Hollande, Merkel, Junker and yes, Bergoglio and Kerry.
As they export terrorism around the globe, the phonies pretend they are battling it, keeping their domesticated populations uniformed and staving off prosecution for their crimes. They highlighted a non-existent first priority of“the defeat of Daesh (ISIS) and of violent extremism,” two elements they have been instrumental in rooting in the Western civilized societies. Too bad for them, folks are starting to catch on.
In pressing the New World Order global governance agenda, they stated another set of goals – taking a look beyond the mayhem and “imagine a new regional order, built through diplomacy, ownership, resilience, partnership, governance and co-development.” All of those grandiose sounding “principles” are part of the UN agenda 2030 global government propaganda, another component of the real reason these assclowns are getting together. Regional government is a stepping stone to world government and the national boundaries must be eliminated in that pursuit. That is the basis for the EU and for the flood of foreigners into the United States, manipulated by the anti-American globalist tool, Hussein Obama.
We’re not engaged in enough hand holding, they’d have us believe. Rodney King had the solution. “If only we all just loved each other” is the pie in the sky idiocy to which they would have us subscribe. Of course domestication and blind acceptance come with it. It’s a great sounding concept that simply is not realistic. It doesn’t even work in many families and churches, so it’s insane to think it can transcend borders, language and culture. It can’t and it won’t.
It’s not without its functionality and purposes. Power-grabbing politicians and theologians can use organizations pressing those behaviors to provide substantial opportunities for wealth creation and power acquisition, as we are now witnessing.
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