Saturday, October 1, 2016


The Internet Giveaway is the latest of Obama's Actions
That are a Sabotage of America.
This could mean the End of Free Speech in the Entire World.
This is Exactly what a Surrogate of Satan would want to do
To Usher in the Antichrist.
It could be a down payment on his desire to head the UN.

Obama's Iran Deal means Iran will obtain Nuclear Weapons
Within Ten Years and they will most certainly Cheat, as they always do,
And get them before that.

The money Iran got with the lifting of Sanctions
Has made them the Regional Power in the Mideast
Which is not in the best interest of the US or Israel.

Obama has brought into his Government the Muslim Brotherhood
A Terrorist Organization.

Obama is bringing to the US many Muslim Refugees and Immigrants
Who will in the end cause many American Deaths and unending trouble.

Obama's Open Border Policy allows Anyone to come to the US
Including Terrorists.

Obama's Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Deal
Will cause a greater Trade Deficit and more loss of US manufacturing.

Obama has doubled the US Debt,
Acquiring more Debt that all previous president combined.

Obama's exit from Iraq caused the creation of ISIS
And the mass migration of Syrians to Europe,
Which has destabilized Europe.

Obamacare has Forced US businesses to provide the Abortion Pill;
Against God and His Word.

Obama Pushed the Same-Sex Marriage Ruling
Which is Against God and His Word
And is being used to Persecute Christians and therefore Christ Himself.

Obama's Bathroom Edict put boys in girl's shower and locker rooms
And visa versa, an Immoral and Indecent Act.
An Act that is now being used to Force Churches to do the same.

Obama's repeal of Don't ask, don't tell
And the Forcing of Transgenderism into the Military
Will make the US Military Impotent.

Obama has made Race Relation is the US much worse
Than when he came into office.

This is not a complete list of Obama's Sabotage of America.

Only God knows what he might do in the remaining months of his term.

Because of Obama's actions Against God and His Word,
The Curse of Deuteronomy 28 is Upon the US,
And will remain until there is REPENTANCE or Destruction.

The Election of Hillary would continue Obama's Sabotage of America.

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