Saturday, July 23, 2016




Exclusive: Craige McMillan says Heavenly Father delivered 'pointed message'

Did you hear God speak at the Republican convention? He delivered a brief, but pointed message. The words you heard may have been different from the ones I heard, but the message would be the same: “I’m not always fair, but I am always just.”
The media, the power-hungry, behind-the-scenes elites with their open checkbooks, and the Demopublican party officials have lived off their divide and-conquer strategy for a long time now. Way too long. 
Together they have destroyed the middle class, empowered huge corporations to do what the Constitution forbids government from doing, run the federal government itself off-the-books (personal email accounts). 
They did this to hide what they were doing from all of us. What is truly disgusting is how cheaply most of our so-called elected officials were bought. People with no reason for a big ego will do anything to feed it. They sell out cheap.
In the Christian universe, divide-and-conquer worked because we let it work. Catholics versus Protestants. Evangelicals versus mainline and charismatic Christians. It worked splendidly. Wedge issues that the church should have let God deal with we tried to fix for Him. We didn’t. In hindsight, that result was predictable.
No one wants a state religion, but everyone wants the state to promote their religion. Everyone except people of other religions.
Christianity is unique among the world’s religions. But you won’t know that if you don’t explore it. And you won’t explore it if you don’t see a difference in those who call themselves Christians. Who did Jesus leave in charge?
Christianity is inherently unfair. 
Our rebellion against God and his goodness goes back to the Garden of Eden. “Did God really say …” 
It was completely unfair for God the Father to ask Jesus the Son to pay the penalty for our disobedience by dying on the Cross. 
It was completely unfair of Jesus to agree to die in our place. Fairness would dictate that the guilty are punished while the innocent go free. Imagine that: a religion based entirely on divine unfairness, mercy and love.
It is true that during my childhood prayers were uttered in schoolrooms and hymns taught in music classes. The reason this was not a problem was that most parents supported this subject matter. It wasn’t a mandate; it was simply a commonly held belief among the public. Satan didn’t have a voice in the decision because few in America back then cared what he had to say.
What the Christian church has forgotten is that conversion within the human heart is God’s work, not ours. All we can do is provide an introduction. “You’re going to hell if you do that!” isn’t much of an introduction. “For God so loved the world,” may be more meaningful to those who have never met Him, and don’t believe that hell exists, anyway.
Much of Europe is Christian in name only: Government still embraces the Christian faith. 
No one is deceived, however, regarding Europe’s moral and spiritual condition. 
Leviathan has embraced Islam because its child-bearing practices momentarily solve Europe’s demographic woes. This will enable the powers that be to extend their rule over that socialist paradise.
Christianity has a long history in America, but no one is deceived by America’s moral and spiritual condition, either. 
I understand the frustration of Christians with the moral and spiritual depths to which our nation has sunk. Similar to European elites, our own are desperate to repair the demographic damage that abortion has caused to the American taxpayer and Social Security-paying base. “Hmm … Islam equals more kids; Mexico and South America means more kids … open the borders! Problem solved.”
The law of Unintended Consequences, however is one of God’s stealth weapons. The havoc that has resulted from the elites’ ignorant immigration decisions offer the church an opportunity to re-introduce Jesus on a scale never before even imaginable to those desperate to experience His healing touch on their lives and land.
The “boos!” that drove Ted Cruz from the stage at the Republican convention the other evening were for the tried and failed approach of humanly restored Christianity in America. 
God’s message to Christians at the convention was simple:
“I install and remove kings at my own good pleasure. I’m not going to sacrifice a generation to make you righteous in your own eyes. Instead, I invite you to partner with me.”
God has much bigger plans for this world before he wraps up the church age. Justice demands it.

My comments: We do not yet know the full extent of God's Plan for America. We do not know who He will place in the Presidency and then what that person will do. We do know that the Nation has Never been more godless and more in Rebellion agaisnt Him and His Word, and that the Democrat Party's Platform is in Defiance of God and His Word. 

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