Friday, January 1, 2016


January 1, 2016
The ten worst people in politics in 2015
By Tim Dunkin

Let's face it – 2015 was a pretty bad year, all things considered. The United States of America, and indeed the whole world, became poorer, more corrupt, less stable, and less free as a result of the actions of a relatively small number of people. 
While there are many, many people who could be included in a list of the "worst people in politics" because of their systematic badness, these are a few especially reprehensible individuals who have gone above and beyond in the effort to make our country and the world an appalling place for those who actually care about human freedom and progress. Below is a list of ten of these worst offenders who especially stood out for their "contributions" in 2015.
#10 – Paul Krugman

Where to begin with Paul Krugman, the Nobel-prize winning economist who is nevertheless consistently wrong on just about everything he says, economic or otherwise. He wins a spot on this list for his recent assertion that, contrary to all evidence, global change is a greater threat to human civilization than is terrorism, even as we saw record coverage for Antarctic ice and the Northern hemisphere is seeing record snowfalls. 
Krugman deserves his spot, however, because he isn't merely blinkered. He knows full well that global warming is nothing more than a scare tactic designed to get people to go along with the destruction of jobs, wealth, and industrial civilization – he wants those things to happen, and lent his weight of support to the hoaxworthy Paris climate conference, even as Paris was recovering from one of the most deadly terrorist attacks in recent years. 
Talk about a clueless, tone deaf moron. This is despite the fact that there is actually no consensus on the reality of man-made climate change, and indeed, a majority of actual accredited scientists in the relevant fields are skeptical of in it.

#9 – Justin Trudeau

Canada's new prime minister, known in some circles as "Canada's Obama," demonstrates all the same cluelessness coupled with arrogance that we have come to know and love in our own Pres__ent. Like Obama, Trudeau has a number of uncomfortably close ties to radical Islamic groups, and is known for his recent defense of the anti-female niqab, a face covering used in some Islamic countries that indicates a husband's ownership of his wife – something about which feminists would normally be upset, except when it involves Muslims and popular left-wing politicians. 
Trudeau has also ended Canadian involvement in air strikes against ISIS in Syria and Iraq, something which caused Islamic State supporters to cheer his election as prime minister back in October. Anyone who gets the enthusiastic support of 7th century Islamic barbarians cannot be a positive force for good, in this world or in any other.
#8 – Paul Ryan

What can we say about Paul Ryan? In just three short years, he has gone from hero to zero. 
Supposedly he was this great, free market, fiscally responsible conservative. Now, he is just another cog in the Washington machine that perpetually removes liberty from the people and the states, and centralizes it into the hands of the DC bureaucracy. 
This was most recently shown by his complete abandonment of any fiscally responsible principles when he handed the Democrats a budget which Nancy Pelosi could scarcely have made any worse. If there's one saving grace for Paul Ryan, it's that we can thank him for showing us once against why you just can't trust any of these Washington politicians.

#7 – Debbie Wassermann-Schultz

The Florida congresswoman and Democratic National Committee Chair is living proof that anyone will say anything, no matter how stupid or hamfisted, so long as they're either being paid or aren't troubled by the need to think for themselves. 
This woman is so dumb that even left-wingers in the media can't help but make fun of her. If her influence on the American political culture was limited to being the butt of late night comedy jokes, that would be fine. 
Unfortunately, however, she has the real ability to direct the activities and ideology of one of the two major political parties in this country. Which means she can spread the stupid around but good. At least we can take some comfort in the fact that on her watch, the Democratic National Committee is going further and further into debt. Until they get a taxpayer-funded bailout, of course.

#6 – Pope Francis

Some might be surprised to find the pope, of all people, on this list. Don't be. 
This past year, Pope Francis spent much of his time circuiting the globe and selling the poisoned brew of socialism to already poor people the world over, so that they could become even poorer because of the policies he advocates. 
Instead of bringing hope or goodness to their lives, he has merely helped to extend their despair. By using his position and moral authority to assail capitalism – which is the only proven economic engine that lifts people out of poverty and makes their lives objectively better – 
Pope Francis has helped to ensure that people in the Third World will continue to languish in grinding poverty, with all the accompanying famines, plagues, and other ills that come with it. Meanwhile, he heads up a religious organization worth billions and which hasn't exactly been quick to redistribute all of its own wealth to the poor and needy, as the pope asks everyone else to do.
#5 – Robbie Blankenship and Jesse Cruz

You may not have heard of these two goobers, but they are the gay "couple" who, while living in Ohio, crossed the border into a completely different state (Kentucky) specifically for the purpose of finding a county clerk (Kim Davis) whom they could harass for refusing to issue them a marriage license. 
In other words, these guys are enemies of the Constitution and of the American people, who made aconscious decision to try to cause trouble and attack religious liberty. They are quite obviously nothing more than tools of the liberty-hating Gaystapo. One can hope that when the time rolls around for them to get their "gay divorce," that the laws haven't caught up yet and they're stuck with each other.
#4 – Black Lives Matter founders

Because it is supposedly a "mass movement" (though actually, it is just controlled by shadowy elements behind the scenes), I'm going to put the entire #BLM movement in this spot. While I actually have a lot of sympathy for those protesting legitimate excessive force and misuse of authority by the police (which I've writtenabout before), the fact of the matter is that the Black Lives Matter movement is built on lies, and is being used to do nothing but create disunity between Americans and destroy our social fabric. 
It gained national prominence after the defensive shooting of Michael Brown, a scumbag who had robbed a convenience store and then physically assaulted a police officer while trying to take his gun away. It has since allowed itself to morph into a great big thug sandwich that does little more than threaten people, block traffic, and harass folks who have nothing to do whatsoever with police brutality. The only redeeming quality of #BLM is that it openly demonstrates to regular Americans the excesses and nastiness of left-wing activism.
#3 – Bill DeBlasio

Bill de Blasio is New York City's communist mayor and arch-hater of the Constitution. Under his watch, crime has greatly increased, making the lives of average citizens in the city that much more dangerous and difficult. 
De Blasio has also used his position to undermine educational and economic freedom. Most egregiously, however, is his support for New York City's new fine of $250,000 on business owners who do not refer to transgendered employees by the employees' "preferred gender pronoun." 
Yes, thanks to Bill de Blasio, a business owner can potentially have his or her livelihood ruined for not pandering to the fantasies of any psychologically-damaged perverts they happen to employ. Hizzoner apparently thinks that the First Amendment ends where NYC's boundaries begin.

#2 – Alan McCollough

"Judge" Alan McCollough is the black-robed fascist who issued the ruling against the owners of Sweet Cakes Bakery in Oregon, which was fined over $135,000 for refusing to bake a cake for a gay "wedding."
Hence, he was an active participant in the ruination of a Christian couple's lives because he didn't like their personal beliefs. 
Despite spending years assuring us that gay "marriage" would in no way infringe on anyone else's rights, the gay lobby is now digging up anti-constitutional thugs like McCollough to assault religious freedom and the freedom of association in this country. Dangerous lunatics like this judge don't belong on the bench – they belong in prison or in an asylum!

#1 – Cecile Richards

I believe that we can fairly ask the question, "Could there be a worse human being in the United States of America than Cecile Richards?" 
If you don't recall who she is, Mizz Richards is the head of Planned Parenthood, and became the public face and chief apologist for that organization during the scandal that erupted when undercover videos of their illegal activities broke to the surface. 
One has to go back to 1945 to find as spirited a defense of the dismemberment of human beings and the sale of their body parts as Cecile Richards made. 
And while sticking to your guns may be a good thing in some cases, it is not when it means continuing in the hypocrisy of murdering babies while pretending it's all about "freedom." She is one sick individual who nevertheless gives a voice to lots of other sick individuals.
© Tim Dunkin
My comments: From my point of View, Obama still Tops the List. He has provided the Overall Environment from which most of these have SPRUNG. He is an Evil man, and Impostor, going from Bad to Worse, Deceiving and being Deceived. (2 Timothy 3:13)

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