Friday, January 1, 2016


Pew: Huge surge in single parent homes, 26% now vs. 9% in 1960

Children living in traditional, "nuclear" families headed by their stay-at-home mom and working dad, have plummeted from 50 percent in the Baby Boom era to just 14 percent, and for black kids under 18 it's a shocking 4 percent, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis.
"One of the biggest changes in U.S. families is the increase in kids living with single parents – 26 percent now, 9 percent in 1960," the non-partisan survey organization tweeted Wednesday.
Their report details the changing demographics of American families, and revealed the differences between the races.
Overall, it portrayed the end of the traditional family where kids lived with parents still in their first marriage, and only the father working. More normal today, at 32 percent, are children under 18 living with parents in their first marriage but with a different work set up, likely with both parents working.
"In the late 1960s, about half of mothers with children younger than 18 stayed at home full-time, compared with only three-in-ten today. About 7 percent of fathers who live with their kids are stay-at-home dads," said Pew.
Asian children are the most likely to live in traditional families, at 24 percent. Another 47 percent live with their parents, but not in the typical mom-at-home, dad-at-work situation.

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