Saturday, July 25, 2015


The call to open an orphanage in Guatemala was revealed to Becky while she prayed in the spirit. How much of God's will are you missing by not using this gift?

How Praying in the Spirit Reveals Mysteries

Many years ago, while washing the breakfast dishes, I was praying in tongues. I'm not sure how long I had been praying in the Spirit, I only know that I found myself leaning against the kitchen wall and I heard myself say aloud to the Lord, "An orphanage?"

Oftentimes, when we speak in tongues we pray into existence things that are hidden from our natural understanding. As it says in 1 Corinthians 14:2, "For he who speaks in an unknown tongue does not speak to men, but to God. For no one understands him, although in the spirit, he speaks mysteries." This word mysteries (Strong's G3466 - mystērion) means hidden thing, secret or mystery. 

In regards to the opening testimony, the Spirit of God was revealing His plans for my husband and I that neither of us knew about. He was about to send us to Guatemala as full-time missionaries, and one of His assignments for us was to start an orphanage.
I fully believe that the Lord desires us to know His plans and purposes for us, and speaking in tongues reveals His will to us and prays them into existence.
Also, as we surrender our human tongues to the Holy Spirit He discloses secrets that are necessary to know in order to minister to people effectively.
Case in point, I was ministering to a couple in another country. The woman was a follower of Jesus Christ and was believing for a miracle for her husband who had lost his mind. And no one could figure out why.
As I began to speak in my heavenly language, the Holy Spirit gave me the following vision and exposed the stronghold. I saw a row of empty clothes hangers hanging from a pole. I then saw a communist ring on his finger. I told them what I saw and asked if it witnessed with them. It did.
They were unequally yoked, she was a believer in Christ, and actively involved in the things of the Lord, and he was a communist. But when their situation was discovered they lost their dry cleaning business. And the financial pressure was more than he could bear and he lost his mind.
In the natural I had no way of knowing about this situation, but by this supernatural gift of communication (tongues) with the Holy Spirit the secret stronghold was exposed, and the steps to his healing were known; he was to renounce communism and give his life to Christ.
The gift of tongues is so powerful, and it's an entrance that leads to the other gifts of the Holy Spirit. I pray you receive this gift today.
Becky Dvorak is a healing minister and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic. Visit her at

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