Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Obama’s Next Communist Tranformational Step – A Budget Based On Equal Everything For Every Comrade

Most of us are experience nausea or other unpleasant side effects when exposed to even a short dose of Hussein Obama. For those of you who are able to handle it, the video is below. For the many who cannot or prefer for your own mental or physical well-being to avoid as much Obama as possible, I offer the following notification in written form.

Most of his messages are not worth writing about, but this one is different. He’s announcing the implementation of the next phase of our fundamental transformation into communism.  That makes it noteworthy.

In the opening of his weekly video lie, Hussein uses his typical folksy line of, “Hello Everybody,” which translates into “Hello you stupid peasants, get on your knees before me.”  It’s a pseudo-fantasy of his now, but a realistic goal for the next two years.

He’s announcing his budget which appears to be the vehicle that will be used as a means by which to fund the communism-based programs he plans to force upon us while manipulating other beneficial funding away from the areas where we want money to be spent, such as processing illegals with money that was intended to keep them out.

He starts off with the lies about our economic health and tells us we have to “make some choices about the kind of country we want to be.” It’s interesting that he assumes we no longer want to be a constitutional republic. He asks, “Will we accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well or will we build an economy where everyone who works hard has a chance to get ahead?” He’s pitching it as “middle class economics” but it’s socialist worker party economics and it’s a continuance down the transformational path to communism.

He’s adopted the terminology of everybody getting their fair shot, which was also used in his State of the Union as well as throughout 2014. He’s pitching an equality message, not one of equal opportunity but mandated communist equality.  Everyone is expected to do their fair share and everyone plays by the same set of rules; Hussein Obama’s rules. That fair shot may he’s talking about may end up being one reserved for those insolent infidels who fail to comply, delivered somewhere around the temple or between the eyes.

He informs us that this week he will send a budget to Congress that is “built upon those [Communist] values,” which includes paid leave and child care, supposed “economic priorities” in a system in which every human unit must contribute to the collective. Having potentially productive working units remain home to care for a child is of no benefit to the communist society in which children belong actually are property of the State.

The lies get hip-deep with the criminal despot telling us that since he took office he’s cut our debt by about two-thirds.  That’s the same national debt that was $10.6 trillion when he took office and which now stands at over $18 trillion, a roughly 70 percent increase in six years. That’s the deficit he’s so proud of cutting.

Dear Leader says we have to be smarter about how we pay for our priorities and that his budget does that. That’s not the case at all. What his budget does do is entrench his communist agenda items, his so-called “priorities,” as our national priorities, once again circumventing the will of the people and replacing equal opportunity with forced equality and compliance. We American citizens are destined to be of no more worth in our own nation than the Central American peasants he is now importing. We will all be slaves adorned with the title of “middle class.”

In his familiar extreme hypocrisy, Obama makes it known that he will not allow his American adversaries to “play politics” with border security as he. himself uses it as a tool to facilitate the invasion of our nation through DHS. He’s not playing politics; it’s not a game. He’s serious about our destruction.

He closes by making the point that he’s doing this not because he wants everyone to share in America’s success, but because he wants everyone to contribute to America’s success.

That is the most revealing sentence of his presentation. In it he takes declares his intent to take us from working towards personal advancement to working for the advancement of the collective.

There’s no doubt what is going on.  The question is, are we going to allow him and his comrades to get away with it?

Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit


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