Wednesday, February 4, 2015





'No alcohol. No gambling. No music or concerts'

There are more than 100 “Muslim enclaves” in the United Kingdom that are “de facto off limits to non-Muslims due to a number of factors, including the lawlessness, insecurity or religious intimidation that often pervades these areas,” according to a new report.
The report cites the nation’s own census data.
“An erroneous claim on American television that Birmingham, England, is ‘totally Muslim’ and off-limits to non-Muslims has ignited a political charged debate about the existence of no-go zones in Britain and other European countries,” wrote Soeren Kern, a senior fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute, in a report about Muslim “no-go” zones.
Kern said that in some no-go zones, “host-country authorities are unable or unwilling to provide even basic public aid, such as police, fire fighting and ambulance services, out of fear of being attacked by Muslim gangs that sometimes claim control over such areas.”
And they are “breeding grounds for Islamic radicalism.”
“The problem of no-go zones is well documented, but multiculturalists and their politically correct supporters vehemently deny that they exist. Some are now engaged in a concerted campaign to discredit and even silence those who draw attention to the issue – often by deliberately mischaracterizing the term ‘no-go zone,’” he said.
He quoted Islam expert Andrew C. McCarthy’s definition: “It is not that they [non-Muslims] are not permitted to enter these enclaves; it is that they avoid entering because doing so is dangerous if they are flaunting Western modes of dress and conduct.”
In Britain, there are more than 100 such “enclaves,” according to an analysis of 2011 census data, Kern explained.
“The Muslim population exceeds 85 percent in some parts of Blackburn and 70 percent in a half-dozen wards in Birmingham and Bradford,” he said.
In Birmingham, for example, the “enclaves” would include: “Bordesley Green (includes Small Heath) (73.9 percent); Hodge Hill (includes areas of Saltley and Ward End) (41.5 percent); Ladywood (35.2 percent): Lozells and East Handsworth (48.9 percent); Nechells (43.5 percent): Sparkbrook (includes Sparkhill) (70.2 percent); Washwood Heath (includes Alum Rock) (77.3 percent).”
Kern’s report includes a long list of neighborhoods and areas across Britain that fall under the description. The areas, he said, are subject to “huge demographic transformations due to mass immigration.”
“An example of this trend is Birmingham. In August 2007, researchers at Manchester University predicted that the number of native white Britons in Birmingham would drop by nearly one-fifth over the next 20 years, from 65 percent in 2006 to 48 percent in 2027. At the same time, the number of Pakistanis in the city would nearly quadruple, increasing from 13 percent in 2006 to 48 percent in 2027,” he explained. “In January 2013, Manchester University statistician Ludi Simpson analyzed official date from the 2011 census and found that native white Britons are already a minority in Leicester (45 percent), Luton (45 percent) and Slough (35 percent). He also forecast that they would be a minority in Birmingham by 2019, nearly a decade earlier than the previous estimate.”
The report noted specifically that Birmingham has been the focal point for such concerns, because it was “the focus of ‘Operation Trojan Horse,’ an alleged plot by Muslim extremists to Islamize primary and secondary schools in the city.”
“British authorities are now investigating the activities of Islamists in at least 25 schools in Birmingham, up from initially four,” he said.
“The plan consists of a strategy to wrest control of schools by ousting non-Muslim head teachers and staff at secular schools and replacing them with ones who would run the schools according to strict Islamic principles,” Kern said.
The scandal prompted “hundreds of whistleblower complaints in Birmingham alone – including emails, letters and telephone calls from parents, teachers and school leaders – about the imposition of Islamic fundamentalist practices in city schools.”
The report cited a warning from Sir Tom Winsor, the chief inspector of police forces in England and Wales, that some parts of Britain “have their own form of justice,” leaving unreported crimes as serious as honor killings and sexual abuse of children.
Kern also cited a BBC report that Shariah courts “routinely issue rulings on domestic and marital issues according to Shariah law that are at odds with British law.”
“Europe’s no-go zones are the by-product of decades of multicultural policies that have encouraged Muslim immigrants to remain segregated from – rather than become integrated into – their European host nations,” Kern said.
There even are signs in some communities with the message: “You are entering a Shariah controlled zone: Islamic rules enforced.”
The message is followed by warnings: “No alcohol. No gambling. No music or concerts. No porn or prostitution. No drugs and smoking.”
The London Sunday Telegraph reported more than a dozen instances in which people where threatened or beaten “for behavior considered to be a breach of fundamentalist ‘Islamic norms.’”
“One victim, Mohammed Monzur Rahman, was left partially blind after being attacked by a mob … for smoking during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.”
The Gatestone report also includes a list of links to videos confirming the behavior and activities. For example, there is a link to a BBC report about extremism in Luton, another called “London’s Holy Turf War,” a report on the exploding subculture of polygamy among Muslims in Britain and a report on the “sexual grooming of young girls by Pakistani men.”
One video is about a hooded “Muslim Patrol” that is a vigilante organization stalking London and removing alcohol from drinkers and telling women to cover up.
Their actions have brought investigations from police.
Another video is about an attack on an American student, Francesco Hounye, 22, while walking in East London drinking a bottle of beer.
WND reported just last week predictions that such zones eventually will be in America.
Republican Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal recently told Fox News interviewer Neil Cavuto that the zones are inevitable in America if the country doesn’t insist that immigrant Muslims assimilate.
He said Islamists are setting up their own culture within the United States “to overturn our culture.”
“We need to recognize that threat,” he insisted.
He said there are neighborhoods that could be defined as a no-go zone.
“You can call them whatever term you want, but absolutely there are neig
Islam analyst and expert Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch told WND the zones “aren’t here,” but “they’re coming as the Muslim population grows.”
We already see areas such as Dearborn, Michigan: It isn’t a no-go zone – police don’t fear to enter there and non-Muslims aren’t menaced for non-adherence to Shariah norms – but police did the bidding of the Muslim community a couple of years ago and arrested some Christian missionaries solely for the crime of preaching to Muslims. A Shariah crime, not a crime according to any U.S. law.”
David Yerushalmi of the American Freedom Law Center, which has fought legal battles over the Dearborn disputes, said there aren’t any no-go zones in American right now, but Dearborn comes close.
There, evangelical Christians were attacked with rocks and bottles by a Muslim crowd for talking about their faith on public property during an annual Arab festival. When police arrived, they ordered the Christians to leave or face arrest.
Islam analyst Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs not only believes the zones are coming, she’s already prepared a strategy to fight them.
“There aren’t large-scale no-go zones here as there are in Europe, but they are coming, because Islam by its very nature is against assimilation into a kaffir (non-Muslim) society. It is supremacist at its core – Islam must dominate and not be dominated,” she told WND.
“So while Muslims have assimilated here to a greater degree than they have in Europe, there are growing Muslim areas in some cities (Dearborn, Newark, etc.) and these will continue to grow. Then there are rural Muslim camps where firearms training and other alarming things have been reported,” she said.
WND reported last year that President Obama had thanked Muslims for “building the very fabric of our nation” and claiming they were in part responsible for “the core of our democracy.”
But his comments didn’t align with statements from some of the Founders.
For example, in 1801, President Jefferson sent the Navy to the Barbary Coast to stop Islamic pirates’ reign of terror on U.S. merchant ships. Jefferson read the Quran to understand what was motivating the pirates, and he learned that the Muslim holy book commanded the faithful to “plunder and enslave” non-Muslims.
In 1814, after Tripoli broke its truce and began attacking U.S. ships again, former President John Adams wrote Jefferson a letter advising that Islam’s founder was “a military fanatic.” In another writing, he condemned Islamic law as “contemptible.”
His son and future president, John Quincy Adams, went further, arguing that the essence of Islam is “violence and lust: to exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature.” He suggested the Quran’s commands to fight and conquer other lands “in the cause of Allah” were at odds with democracy, peace and the Judeo-Christian ethic on which America was founded.
“The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Muhammad is the prophet of God,” he added. “The vanquished may purchase their lives by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Muslim creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike by fraud or by force.”

My comments: The question is does the godless West have the gumption to save their cultures. If they remain godless they will not.

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