Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Obama Is Training Up To 87,000 Taliban In Afghanistan

BOMBSHELL: NY Post Confirms That Obama is TRAINING Up to 87,000 Taliban In Afghanistan

August 11, 2014 - The Conservative Tribune
President Obama’s foreign policy blunders have led many to question exactly where his loyalties lie, or if he just doesn’t care.
We have seen the absolute mess that Iraq has turned into, after Obama prematurely withdrew all US forces, before the Iraqi Army was capable of standing on their own, leading to the rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
Now it appears that the exact same thing is about to happen in Afghanistan, as Obama is pushing for the complete withdrawal of US forces from the country by the end of this year.
According to the New York Post, it has been revealed that approximately a quarter of the Afghan National Security Forces are Taliban or Al-Qaeda operatives or sympathizers, numbering more than 87,000 troops total.
Under pressure from the Obama administration, and with the clock ticking down to the deadline, the Pentagon has relaxed normal rules and regulations regarding vetting and background checks for new recruits to the Afghan forces.  The result is that known Taliban and Al-Qaeda operatives are enrolling in the Afghan military, and getting training and pay courtesy of the US taxpayer.
Years ago, during the rash of insider attacks against US and allied forces by Taliban infiltrators, US forces ramped up their vetting process, in an attempt to weed out the infiltrators, or prevent their joining the military altogether.
But now with the rush to leave Afghanistan, that process has been all but abandoned, and the Afghans have been put in charge of recruiting to fill out their security forces.  The Afghans have been paying Taliban members to join their forces, and have even been releasing Taliban prisoners, who are then prompted to join the security forces as well.
This has resulted in an Afghan force that contains an army within an army.  The Taliban and Al-Qaeda operatives routinely take advantage of opportunities to attack US forces, using the disguise of Afghan army uniforms.  The rest are patiently waiting for US troops to leave, so they can take the country back over, using the weapons and training that we have bestowed upon them.
This is just plain idiotic.  What was once a winnable war, albeit a dozen years ago, has turned into a morass of quicksand that we can’t leave quick enough, and that will never fully let us go.  Our brave men and women who are serving in Afghanistan are now in more danger than they have ever been in before, as none can ever be fully sure of the loyalties or motives of their Afghan counterparts.
Obama has made certain that the Afghanistan war will go down in history as a loss, and has virtually negated the sacrifices made by thousands of US troops and Afghan civilians over the past 13 years.  The Taliban will resume control of the country once we leave, and Afghanistan will once again be a safe haven for Al-Qaeda.

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