Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Obama Brags He'll "Seize" More Executive Powers

UNREAL: Obama Openly Brags He’ll “Seize” More “Executive” Powers

August 11, 2014 - The Conservative Tribune
When President Obama was sworn into office, he took an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution, the document that forms the basis for the American federal government.
Obama, a so-called “constitutional scholar” seems to have forgotten all about that oath, as he has taken action continually to violate it in every possible way.
The Constitution clearly outlines the separation of powers between the three branches of government, with the president’s job being to enforce law, while Congress is responsible for making laws.
Barack Obama seems to be confused, attempting to make massive power grabs that transfer strong legislative powers to the executive branch through the use of executive orders, removing Congress from the lawmaking process, which means he’s cutting out the voice of the governed as well.
With getting slapped down by the Supreme Court for overstepping his bounds and being sued by House Republicans, one would assume that Obama would think twice before attempting to once again use an executive order to bypass Congress. According to NewsMax, that’s exactly what the president plans to do.
During a recent press conference, President Obama said he plans on using executive action on issues he believes Republicans in Congress are blocking.
“The American people don’t want me standing around twiddling my thumbs waiting for Congress to do something.”
Obama then went on to contradict himself by stating he didn’t have a “green light” to do as he pleased, but that he was bound by the Constitution, which clearly demonstrates just how confused he really is about his role in the government.
“I’m bound by the Constitution. I’m bound by separation of powers. There are some things we can’t do,” Obama said. “I don’t have a green light. What I am consistently going to do is, wherever I have the legal authorities to make progress on behalf of middle-class Americans … I’m going to seize those opportunities.”
Outrageous. President Obama is openly stating that he plans on snatching up more law making powers whenever possible, violating the Constitution and the rights of citizens across the country.
Add this to the pile of scandals and his constant attempts to break the law and bypass Congress, and it seems like the case for impeachment is open and shut. This president is out of control, and he needs to be sent a message. Booting him from office might be the only language he understands.
My comments: Obama is doing exactly as he pleases because he knows he can get away with it. The Founders did not anticipate such a Lawless President. Obama is busy "TRANSFORMING" America into a godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist State. He was put in office TWICE by a godless American Electorate. A Military Coup may be the only thing that could stop him.

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