Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Mideast Turmoil Is Spiritual

The truth about Iraq that you need to hear
before it is too late
Grim news stories are coming out of Iraq about the defeat of government forces by terrorists that are moving rapidly to take control of much of the nation. But the truth about what is going on is not mentioned by our liberal media. The Bible has much to say about Iraq—the ancient empire of Babylon. It was the center of opposition to God from the time of the tower of Babel to the empire that destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple under Nebuchadnezzar. And Revelation tells us that the final battles of the age will be waged and inspired by demonic spirits that are bound there right now.

Our government, and even many Christians, do not view what is happening in the Middle East as a spiritual war. They see the military wars and the economic wars, but they miss the most important part. I blew the trumpet to sound this warning 35 years ago. In 1979, my book, Israel: America's Key to Survival, had on its cover an American flag being cut in half by an Islamic sword. The hatred of radical Muslims is not just directed at Israel—they want to destroy us as well. And when you and I stand in defense of Israel, we are defending our nation, our homes and our families. Will you help us fight this crucial spiritual battle today?

My comments: Dr. Evans is right, what is happening in Iraq and around the world is spiritual. It is part of a Satanic Plot, all aimed at, ultimately, the Revelation of his son, the Beast of Revelation, the Antichrist. But also understand that the Revelation of the Antichrist is God's Powerful Delusion [2 Thessalonians 2:9-12] for those WHO REFUSE TO LOVE THE TRUTH.   

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