Tuesday, March 11, 2014

We Cannot Be Free Unless We Are Brave

Dr. Ben Carson speaking of his speech given to CPAC:
During my talk, I touched on a number of topics, but there was one point that I sought to drive home.

Everyone is familiar with the famous final words of the Star Spangled Banner: “
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

But what we must remind people is that we cannot be free if we are not brave – and right now, no issue requires our bravery more than solving our healthcare challenges, which have only been made worse by Obamacare.

You’ve taken the first step by signing up and getting involved, and the next steps will be to start laying out both the principles from which we will move forward, and the market-based solutions that we believe will best ensure access to quality, affordable healthcare for every American.

Many on the Left would have you believe that people aren’t happy with Obamacare because it doesn’t go far enough. You and I know that isn’t true.

We want a new and better direction that ensures that we are in control of our own healthcare, not politicians and centralized bureaucracies in Washington, D.C.

My comments:
America cannot have government run, so called, Healthcare and be Free.
Government run Healthcare is the latest in the devices
Of the godless Secular Humanists to CONTROL the entire American Society;
To CONVERT them to their godless Religion.

Any Law the FORCES Christians to do that which is against their conscience
And Faith is an ABOMINATION before God and man.
Any Law that promotes Abortion Murder 
Is an ABOMINATION before God and man.

The question is, will America stand for God, His Christ Jesus, His Word,
His Covenant and His Commandments
Or will America submit to godless Secular Humanism?

Are there any still BRAVE in America?

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