Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Christian Your Are A "TERRORIST" To The Secular Humanists

"TERRORIST!" - That's how Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has referred to Pro-Life advocates like you and me. 

And now that she has retired from her post, the radical pro-abortion lobby is calling for her to be Barack Obama's next appointment to the Supreme Court. 

In fact, at her farewell dinner, Vice President Joe Biden boldly proclaimed to Attorney General Eric Holder, Barack Obama's cabinet members, and others in the crowd. . . 

"I think Janet should be in the Supreme Court of the United States." 

The fact is, if we wait until Obama nominates a new judge, there will only be 60 days or less to fight back. 

That's why you and I can't wait. 

So please sign the petition to your U.S. Senators right away asking them to fight the nomination of any pro-abortion nominee

And after you sign, please chip in with a donation of $10, $25 or more to help the National Pro-Life Alliance prepare for this fight. 

If you need more information, please read Representative Louie Gohmert's letter below and then sign the petition. 


Martin Fox, National Pro-Life Alliance

P.S. If you get a chance, could you please forward this critical email to your friends, family members, and business associates? 

From: Louie Gohmert [louie.gohmert@prolifealliance.org
To: Tom Haeg [haegtm@aol.com
Subject: Obama's Next Supreme Court Nominee 
National Pro-Life Alliance 
President Obama and his pro-abortion pals are looking at the U.S. Supreme Court and licking their lips.

They know President Obama’s next high court pick could secure a pro-abortion Supreme Court for decades to come.

And the Abortion Lobby believes the next radical court nominee could lead to the destruction of virtually EVERY pro-life law in the country, as well!
It's a sickening thought, and there's only ONE WAY to stop it.

The National Pro-Life Alliance has made up special Supreme Court Confirmation petitions I’m counting on you to fill out and sign TODAY.

As you’ll see, these petitions insist your U.S. Senators do everything possible to DEFEAT any pro-abortion Supreme Court nominee.

I’ll give you the link shortly, but first I need to make one thing crystal clear . . .
The Abortion Lobby is NOT sitting around on their hands waiting for another Court vacancy to occur before they mobilize.

Right now, the so-called National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List are working feverishly to ensure President Obama’s next Court pick is his most outrageous nominee yet.

And they plan to ram him or her through the U.S Senate for confirmation before pro-lifers know what hit them!
So unless you and I start preparing RIGHT NOW, it could be too late.

For more than 40 years, the Supreme Court has been anything but a friend to unborn children. But without your help today, 
I’m afraid things could get much, much worse.

Just as you and I have seen with “ObamaCare” and the Roe v. Wade travesty itself, 
Supreme Court Justices aren’t above imposing the Abortion Lobby’s radical agenda on America through judicial decree.

And I’m afraid President Obama’s next Court nominee could very well give the Abortion Lobby the Supreme Court majority they need to DESTROY all pro-life laws throughout the country, including:
***  Parental intervention laws to stop abortionists from secretly preying on underage girls by ensuring that parents are legally able stop any abortion on their minor children;
***  Ultrasound Laws to prove to expectant mothers that they are carrying a precious unborn life inside them -- not a meaningless “glob of flesh” as abortionists would have them believe;
***  Bans on sex selection abortions, which prohibit the killing of the unborn just because the  parent didn’t like the sex of their baby;
***  Bans on taxpayer funding for abortions to allow the Abortion Lobby to pick the pockets of every American taxpayer.
I can’t tell you what a tragedy this would be.

While our ultimate goal is to overturn Roe v. Wade and to end abortion nationwide through passage of the Life at Conception Act, through laws like these and others, 
states are saving unborn lives.

In fact, 
Time Magazine ran a January 14 cover story entitled, “Why Abortion Rights Activists Have Been Losing Ever Since Roe v. Wade.”

The fact is, when popularly elected representatives decide, the outcome is overwhelmingly pro-life.

That’s why this next Supreme Court pick is so important to them, why they’re not waiting around to mobilize -- and 
why you and I must prepare to fight back NOW!Please click here to sign the petition to your Senators right away!

And after you sign, please chip in with a donation of $10, $25 or more. 

You see, there will be NO TIME to raise money, mobilize and fight back once a vacancy occurs and a nominee is selected. 

President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) know the key to handing their pro-abortion allies the Supreme Court power they crave is SPEED. 

So you and I MUST start fighting back now and be ready to flood the Senate with hundreds of thousands, even millions, of pro-life petitions on DAY ONE of the fight. 

Today, while the Supreme Court certainly doesn’t have a pro-life majority -- the most radical wing of the pro-abortion justices on the Court holds only a slim minority

So Obama’s next pick could tip the scale! 

Can you imagine the slaughter in store for the unborn from the Court should the Abortion Lobby get their way with EVERYTHING they want? 

You and I will be sure to see the destruction of pro-life laws all over the country! 

The good news is, the National Pro-Life Alliance has a plan to WIN, so I’ve agreed to help them. I hope you will too

I know you and I have heard plenty of U.S. Senators saying there can be no “litmus tests” for Court nominees over the years. 

Sadly, many self-described “pro-life” Senators often use the “litmus test” excuse to run scared from any fight with the Abortion Lobby over Court nominees. 

In fact, during the last Supreme Court confirmation fight in 2009,NINE Republican Senators -- many of whom publicly parade themselves as “pro-life” -- crossed party lines to vote for Obama’s radical justice Sonia Sotomayor

Of course, I understand the incredible power our Founders vested in the presidency. 

But I believe no U.S. Senator can uphold our Constitutional liberties while ignoring our God-given right to life

That’s why your signed Supreme Court Confirmation petition and your generous financial support for NPLA TODAY are so critical. 

With your support, NPLA has a massive four-part plan designed to turn up the heat on the U.S. Senate, including:
1)   Contacting up to 12 million pro-lifers and more all over the country using mail, email and phones to alert them to this absolutely critical battle and generate petitions to their U.S. Senators;
2)   Working the talk radio lines, granting media interviews, holding press conferences and launching church tours to ensure every pro-life American is aware of the stakes in the next Supreme Court nominee fight;
3)   Running web ads on heavily trafficked websites, working the blogs, and launching a state-of-the-art Facebook campaign to reach and mobilize up to four million more supporters;
4)   And finally, if funds permit, NPLA will launch a powerful TV ad campaign in the days before each nominee's final vote ensuring every targeted Senator knows his reelection (or even party re-nomination) could ride on his or her Supreme Court confirmation vote.
Such a massive program will be what it takes to win any Supreme Court confirmation battle. 

President Obama and the Abortion Lobby have proven they’re willing to play hardball. I believe the unborn deserve our honorably doing the same. 

This is NOT a fight pro-lifers like you and me can afford to ignore

I can hardly make myself think of the horrific results you and I could see if the Abortion Lobby gets their way. 

The innocent unborn will pay the price with their lives.
My comments:
Understand that Abortion is a Death Wish for the US before Almighty God.
Abortion is Murder before God,
And without REPENTANCE, will bring the Eternal Death of the Abortionist
And all who support them, which is currently the entire Democrat Party.
America must stop this Abomination or she will DIE.

Obama and the Democrats overturned 260 years of precedent when they
Change the Senate Rules to allow only 51 votes
To determine Obama's nominees to the Court as well as other positions.
He will try to “stack” the Court with Secular Humanists like himself
Who have no regard for God, His Christ Jesus,
His Covenant and His Commandments.
If he is able to accomplish this, it will mean the DEATH of America.
Do all you can do to stop this.

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