Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The 2014 Elections Are Critical For America

March 25, 2014
A vote felt 'round the world

By Alan Keyes

This week, the Pledge-to-Impeach mobilization surpassed its first significant milestone. The Pledge-to-Impeach movement aims to turn the 2014 election into a vote of no confidence in the present administration of the U.S. government. More importantly, it aims to rouse grassroots Americans to challenge and circumvent the current sham party system, which has both parties in the grip of elitist forces bent on overthrowing constitutional government of, by, and for the American people.

Nothing confirms the intent of these elitists more decisively than the orchestration of public perception (propaganda) continually under way in the elitist faction media. After the parody of conservatism that was the recent "C"PAC gathering in Washington, D.C., I drew attention to the fact that the elitist faction leadership that presently controls the GOP has declared war to extinction on the authentic conservatives who make up the vital core of the party's base. These are voters still loyal to the U.S. Constitution and its principles, as articulated in the American Declaration of Independence.

During the "C"PAC meeting, a straw poll was conducted, allowing attendees to choose among those I call the "Mystery Meat Conservatives." (As I explained in my above-mentioned commentary, they are "so designated because they are willing to confine their political choreography to routines programmed by the GOP's elitist faction Politburo.") U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., emerged the winner. This week, as if on cue, Paul expressed the view that the GOP should stop engaging on "social issues" like abortion and the natural rights of the God-endowed family.

He sees this as a way to swell the GOP's voter base with "young people." (He was no doubt thinking of people like the carousing practitioners of stupefied licentiousness on prominent display in the staging areas of the "C"PAC parody.) But if you are like me, you call yourself a conservative because you are determined to preserve and perpetuate the Declaration's understanding of liberty as a God-endowed right. On account of that determination, you question the wisdom of winning votes by encouraging people, be they young or old, to give up the character needed to preserve that right. Such character recognizes and respects the conscientious boundaries of right action the Creator has instilled in our nature.

When I first examined Rand Paul's fatally flawed "pro-choice for states" position, I wrote:
    Is it possible to abandon the foundational principles of constitutional government, and yet still be regarded as a true conservative? Isn't liberty what we seek to conserve? But as our founders repeatedly admonished, liberty is not the same as licentiousness. It does not mean redefining right to suit our desires. The root of our claim to rights is the idea of right as it is established by the will of the Creator God. We, therefore, cannot have the right to do what is fundamentally wrong, what contradicts, rejects or violates this basic premise of all justice. Ultimately, this is the basis for the concept of "limited government." It is limited not by calculations of human power and inclination, but by the requirements of justice, grounded in the transcendent will of God.
The elitist faction leaders who now control the GOP no longer subscribe to this understanding of limited government. This is clear from their collaboration with Obama's destructive budget and spending policies and their slyly purposeful failures to act against Obama's corrosive disregard for the U.S. Constitution. These facts force us to suspect every politician willing to stay within the boundaries of the leadership's party line. Can any of them be trusted to renew the foundations and strength of the principles and institutions their party's bosses seek to overthrow?

The hearts of many Americans burn with the fire of their allegiance to the premise of God-endowed right, liberty, and justice. They still accept their vocation as a free people. They feel duty-bound to resist tyranny. They instinctively reject the poisonous promise of carefree, government-sponsored self-indulgence the elitist faction now promotes in place of the discipline of true self-government. They embrace their vocation as members of the sovereign body of the American people. They persist in doing so even though the elitist faction war against that vocation has already deeply damaged the livelihood of many Americans, and now threatens to breach their homes; despoil their arms, their consciences, and their parental rights; and even take their lives.

In the first battles of the American Revolution, about 4,000 patriotic militiamen eventually participated in the harrying attacks that drove British forces, advancing against the militia's armories at Lexington and Concord, back behind their lines in the vicinity of Boston, Mass. Now 10,000 or more opponents of Obama's budding tyranny have taken the pledge to use the 2014 elections to mount an effective demand for Obama's removal from office. Many of them realize that this is not a one-time gesture. It's a daily commitment. Like the guerrilla-war tactics employed by those early America patriots, it requires energetic individual activity. Each participant has to seek out and make use of every opportunity to add new recruits to the impeachment mobilization. Each new recruit must then be schooled to become a recruiter.

Ten thousand people using every chance they have to recruit one, two, or more people like themselves can quickly grow to 20,000, 30,000, and 100,000. As their energetic initiative produces such results, their work will confirm the political resurgence of individual responsibility and enterprise, keys to the successful practice of self-government. Thus we will revive the nearly moribund meaning of the Constitution's impeachment provision. Thus we will restore the self-respect of the American people, in their role as liberty's final reserve in the battle against tyranny.

Do you believe in liberty, as America's founders did? If so, have you joined the effort to prove that the spirit of liberty still thrives in America's politics? If you haven't yet done so, take a moment now to join the Pledge to Impeach mobilization. Help make the 2014 election a ballot vote felt 'round the world.

To see more articles by Dr. Keyes, visit his blog at LoyalToLiberty.comand his commentary at WND.com.
© Alan Keyes - Renew America
My comments: Obama should be IMPEACHED as he has attempted to and gone a long way to "TRANSFORM" America into a godless, Secular Humanist nation, in defiance of God Almighty and the US Constitution. His profligate spending has destroyed the future of America. The 2014 Elections are critical for America. If Obama is allowed to continue with a Democrat Senate he may RUIN America for all time. The 2014 Election is a SPIRITUAL TEST for the American people, will they honor God or man? Honoring God is America's only Hope. "Cursed is the one who trusts in man." (Jeremiah 17:5)   

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