Saturday, March 1, 2014

Democrats: Forcing Their Religion On America

The Democrats are forcing, by force of law,
Their Secular Humanist Religion on America.
The very ones who decry Christianity and its precepts are all to willing
To force their godless, anti-Christ, Secular Humanist Religion on everyone.
Although they have no formal churches,
They are bound together by being anti-God, anti-Christ, and anti-Bible
And by the Platform of the Democrat Party
And are just as Religious about these precepts
And the Platform of the Democrat Party as any religion in existence.
Secular Humanism is the man as “god” religion,
Where every man and woman does what is right in their own eyes
As long as the State approves.

The Democrats are forcing their version of Healthcare on everyone;
Forcing Christians to participate with them in increasing Abortion Murder.
Forcing Christians to agree with them on the “rights” of homosexuals;
To treat homosexuality as “normal” human behavior,
When the Word of God calls it abominable.
Sanctioning by law same-sex marriage.
They are forcing their Public Education System on everyone
When it is simply a tool of indoctrination into their Religion of debauchery.

They have captured the Press in America,
So that the Press in America is simply the propaganda wing
Of the Democrat Party.
They have captured a large portion of the Judiciary
So that soon there will no longer be an independent Judiciary
But simply the Judicial Wing of the Democrat Party.

They are attempting to silence all descent in America
Through the government agencies of the FCC and the IRS.

They are forcing their ideas of environmental responsibility
On everyone through the EPA.
Which is simply a mechanism to control everyone, by law.
And that is the OBJECT of their Religion: CONTROL! Godless control.

These are the people who are leading America into Financial Default;
Who are leading every “Blue” city and state into bankruptcy;
Who lead Detroit into bankruptcy.

Who put these godless people in power?
A godless American Electorate.
Financed by godless American businesses.
Propagandized by a godless America Media.

Who is putting their seal of approval on these Secular Humanists?
Apostate Christians; the go along to get along crowd,
Who have denied to Word of God, which is Christ Jesus.
This is the Great Falling Away described by the apostle Paul
(2 Thessalonians 2:1-3)
This will become increasingly more obvious as time goes on.

What finally happens to these people?
These are the people who will receive the son of Satan as their “god.”
They will soon all bow down and worship him and receive his “mark,”
Just as Scripture describes.

I pray that there will be an awakening in America to the TRUTH
And Christ Jesus is the only TRUTH in existence.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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