Friday, February 28, 2014

Startling Evil Against Israel

From Dr. Mike Evans:
I have seen a lot of evil but this is startling.
Most people have never heard of BDS—the effort pushing boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel—but it is a very real threat to the future of the Jewish People. There is a major international effort underway—and sadly, members of our government are supporting it—to put so much pressure on the government of Israel that they will be forced to cave in and divide Jerusalem and hand it to the Palestinians.
This is a great evil—and if it succeeds, every nation that supported it will be judged by God. History is filled with examples of nations and empires that touched prophecy and harmed Israel and were destroyed as a result. I have four children and nine grandchildren, and I do not want God's judgment to fall on our land. But it will...unless we act now.

My comments:
Today, EVERY nation and every world leader is godless.
They are ALL doing what their father, Satan is directing.
They cannot help themselves they are simply puppets of the Evil One.
We who know the Lord, know that Israel will remain FOREVER,
According to God's PROMISE to her.
I pray that God's Kingdom will come 
And His will be done on earth as in Heaven;
And it is coming soon,
But not before EVERY nation embraces the son of Satan,
Receives his “mark” and worships him;
Not before the great battle of Ezekiel 38
And not before The Battle Of Armageddon.

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