Monday, January 13, 2014

The Spirit Of Hitler Is Alive

A report from Israel this week highlighted a very disturbing trend—the rising popularity of Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitic diatribe, Mein Kampf. According to the report, it was the No. 1 book on Amazon in the Propaganda and Political Psychology section...and in addition, tens of thousands of copies had been downloaded as a free e-book.

Hatred of the Jewish People is not a relic of the past. It is sadly alive and well in our day...and we must stand against it. I have devoted the past 40 years to supporting and defending and blessing God's Chosen People. Today, I ask for your help as we continue this vital outreach, especially with our work on the Righteous Gentile Heritage Center. - Mike Evans

My Comments:
It is important to remember that the spirit of Hitler, the spirit of Satan, is always with us. It is like the presence of viruses. They strike when a person's immune system is low. This is also true of the spirit of Satan. It strikes when the godlessness has reached the level that will tolerate it. Today godlessness is RAMPANT in America. We have, as president, a would be DICTATOR. Watch Out!

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