Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Hitler Exposed The Darkness Of Human Nature

Hitler was not unique in the darkness he exposed.
He simply exposed the darkness of Human Nature apart from Christ Jesus;
And the darkness of the Rulers, the Authorities, 
The Powers of this Dark World;
The Spiritual Forces of EVIL in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:10-12)
In other words, Satan, and his demonic horde.
All those thrown out of God's Third Heaven with Satan.

This same darkness was exposed by Stalin and Mao
Who ruthlessly murdered millions of their own people.

This same darkness is present in America
With the murder of 56 million unborn.

There are only the two supernatural spirits in the world,
Christ Jesus and Satan,
And every living person serves one or the other.
This is the unspoken reality of human existence.
It is most often ignored in the Church of God.

To serve Christ Jesus requires that you lose your life in this life,
(Matthew 16:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24; John 12:25)
Something only a FEW are willing to do.
Why is this?
Because it is the NARROW WAY of Faith in Christ Jesus [Matthew 7:13-14]
And most people are busy trying to obtain a life in this life
Ignoring Scripture and the Spirit of Christ Jesus;
Ignoring the fact that this world is lost and dying and will SOON be no more;
This view being supported by Satan and the world, the kingdom of Satan,
And Apostate Christians; THE WIDE ROAD TO DESTRUCTION.

Where is the world headed at the present time?
Into the arms of Satan; into God's Powerful DELUSION 
[2 Thessalonians 2:9-12].
Why is this?

The political machinations we witness today are leading to that REALITY.
Satan has DECEIVED men and women into thinking they are “gods.”
Godless, Arrogant, Boastful and Ignorant as was Hitler, Stalin and Mao;
They are simply pawns in Satan's game;
A game that is leading the Whole World to DESTRUCTION
As Scripture has foretold in detail.

The HORROR of Hitler's Germany was exposed to the whole world.
And did the world learn the AWFUL lesson it provided?
NO, it did not!

What is that LESSON?
That mankind without Christ Jesus is HOPELESS! HOPELESS! HOPELESS!

Why did Christ Jesus come to the earth and DIE?
Because mankind was HOPELESS!
And without His PERFECT SACRIFICE everyone would die ETERNALLY.
Christ Jesus came to offer SALVATION to those who would RECEIVE Him.
And there have been those in every generation who did.
No many, but a FEW, a REMNANT.

When we see from films of Hitler's Concentration Camps,
The HORROR of thousands upon thousands of dead, naked bodies in piles,
We see the ATTITUDE of Satan toward humanity.
He came to Steal, Kill and DESTROY. (John 10:10)
And he is very good at his work.

If only he presented himself in red, with horns and a tail
As do the cartoons, we would be aware of him.
But no, he MASQUERADES as an angel of light as do all who follow him.

Satan knows his DESTINATION: The Lake of Fire.
Scripture has made this reality perfectly plain.
His whole PURPOSE today is to take to Hell as many as he can.
That is what you are witnessing today,
Satan DECEIVING mankind into going to Hell with him,
From the LEAST to the GREATEST.

God's Great Tribulation
Will be the most HORRIFIC EVENT the world has ever seen.
Why is this?
Because it is God's JUDGMENT on a world that has given itself over to Satan;
A world that decides to worship Satan and his son the Antichrist;
Deceived by his False Prophet;
A world that makes the Antichrist their “false savior.”

That is what you are witnessing today.
The Whole World on the path to DESTRUCTION.

Yet, today, Christ Jesus has His hand extended to every living person.
Today, every living person can REPENT of their SIN and turn to Christ Jesus
And He will SAVE them out of this wicked world and into His Kingdom.

I pray that those who read this message
Are among the FEW who accept the offer of Christ Jesus and be SAVED.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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