Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Why Obama Can Lie To Your Face

President Obama can lie to your face
Because his conscience has been seared. (1 Timothy 4:1-2)
He has one objective that possesses his mind
And that is to “TRANSFORM” America into a godless, Socialist,
Secular Humanist Fantasy.
And he will do anything and everything it takes to accomplish that END.
For him, any means justifies this END,
As his mentor, Saul Alinsky taught him.
That is why he gets up every morning, for this sole purpose.

Obamacare is central and critical to this “TRANSFORMATION.”
As the Socialist Handbook dictates. This is the control device
That gives the government control over every aspect of your life.
That is why Obama fights so hard for it,
And will do ANYTHING to achieve its full implementation.

The only person who stands in the way of Obama is Christ Jesus
And those who belong to him.
That is why Obama and his Surrogates fight continually
To eliminate any reference to Christ Jesus from the Public Square.
That is why Obama is trying to purge Christians from the Military.

Obama is like his father, Satan, who came to steal, kill and destroy.
(John 10:10)
He is a liar like his father Satan who is the father of lies.
He is an Abortionist Murderer,
As his father was a murderer from the beginning. (John 8:44)

Obama masquerades as an angel of light like his Father, Satan.
He even pretends to be a Christian
Because it helps disguise the wickedness of his cause.
But his Laws, policies and practices tell the real story of his intent.

Who elected Obama?
Those, who like him, hold to the Secular Humanist Religion,
The Religion where everyone does what is right in their own eyes
As long as the State approves;
Blue America,” the Babylon of America;
Mother of Prostitutes and of the Abominations of the earth. (Revelation 17:5)
The Woman drunk with the blood of the saints,
The blood of those who bore the testimony of Jesus. (Revelation 17:6)

Obama is the man who has made slaves of the young of America
By spending what America does not have;
Borrowing from those who hate America.
The Word of God teaches that the borrower is servant to the Lender;
A slave to the Lender. (Proverbs 22:7)
These young people will be slaves to the State for the rest of their lives.

Obama and all who follow and support him
Have brought the Curse of God upon America
By their defiance of God Almighty, His Christ Jesus,
His Word, His Covenant and His Commandments.
America is being ground to powder because of this.

The RETRIBUTION of God Almighty hangs over America
Because of its Abortion Murder, alone.
The blood of everyone of those babies
Requires the blood of those who spilled their blood, all 55 million of them.
Think of it: Germany murdered 6 million Jews,
But World War II killed 60 million people,
Six times those Jews who were murdered.

Before the US Civil War,
The nation ignored those who warned about the SIN of slavery.
The result was a devastating war that killed over 500,000 Americans.
Today, America is divided between those who honor God
And the Secular Humanists who refuse to honor God.
Those who refuse to honor God; refuse to love the TRUTH,
And bring the Curse of God upon themselves and the nation.

Where is the Church of God today?
Where are those representatives of God, warning the nation of its PERIL?
It seems like they gather every Sunday
To rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking Titanic;
America, who is sinking in her SIN.
What will they do when she is submerged,
As Germany became submerged in EVIL?

Many American Churches have already abandoned the Faith.
They have joined the ranks of the apostates.
They are like many of the Churches in Germany,
Who capitulated to Hitler and his EVIL regime.

America is a Democratic Republic where everyone of age can vote.
This makes every American responsible
For those she elects to Public Office.
The American Electorate is responsible for the wicked Obama Administration.
They have elected him twice.
In so doing they have put their seal of approval on Obama's wickedness.
Unless America REPENTS she is FINISHED!

Obama is the final result of an America who has FORSAKEN God!
She is spiritually so dull, so immersed in her SIN,
That she can no longer see the Light of the Gospel of Christ Jesus.
She is fooled by Satan's Masquerading servant, Obama,
Who is bent on doing the will of his father, Satan.

I pray that those who have claimed the Name of Christ Jesus are not fooled;
That they will stand for Christ and His righteousness.
The Eternal Destination of many Americans is in the balance. 
Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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