Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Obama And The Democrats Fear A Moral People

In one of the most ironic statements I have ever heard,
President Obama, while campaigning for the Democrat gubernatorial candidate
In Virginia said that he was going to put the “fear of God” into the Democrats.
How was he going to do this?
By setting before them the unthinkable the possibility
That the Republican candidate might win,
Who was supported by the Infamous “Tea Party,” 
Anathema to every Democrat.

Why is the Tea Party anathema to the Democrats?
Because they stand for Limited Government as outline by the Founders,
Fiscal Responsibility, and Personal Freedom as promise in the Bill of Rights,
And because most of them desire to honor God.
That is why they are anathema to the Democrats.

So, if you want to put the “fear of God” into the Democrats,
Threaten them with Tea Party leadership.,
Threaten them with limiting the government to those functions
That are outlined in the Constitution;
To spending no more than what is taken in;
To maintain individual freedom and freedom of the press;
To honoring God, His Christ Jesus, His Word,
His Covenant and His Commandments.
That is what the Democrats fear.

In saying what he did President Obama was admitting what is obvious
By his Laws, policies and practices
That he and the Democrats are anti-American and anti-Christ.
The “TRANSFORMATION” that he and the Democrats seek
Is to turn America into a Secular Humanist, Socialist State,
Where every person does that which is right in their own eyes
As long as the State approves;
A State where there is no morality,
Because God and His Word are the only existing morality.
When God and His word are shunned,
As Obama and the Democrats do, there is no morality.

Obama and the Democrats are an immoral people.
They must have their Abortion Murder in the guise of “woman's rights.”
If they had their way,it would be unlimited and at any stage of development.
They put their seal of approval on what God forbids as sexual SIN.
They are spending the nation into oblivion, 
Thereby making slaves of the young.
They use, illegally, the force of government to achieve their political ends.
They are students of Saul Alinsky
And will use any means to achieve their perverted ends.

Obama and the Democrats are on The Wide Road,
That leads to Destruction. (Matthew 6:13)
That is why they fear those who fear God.
The Democrats fear the NARROW ROAD that only a few find.
Those who have a reverent fear of God remind them 
That they will be destroyed.
The fragrance of Christ Jesus is rightfully, the smell of death to them.
(2 Corinthians 2:15)

Godless Obama and the Democrats are looking forward to
And helping facilitate, the coming, One World Government,
That will be ruled by the son of Satan, the Antichrist of Revelation.
If they could, they would today, 
Hand American rule over to the United Nations.
They are already attempting to do this piecemeal.

Obama is currently trying to force Israel to accept a peace agreement
That will mean their demise.
Why would he do this? Because he is anti-Christ,
And Israel in the world represents a PROMISE from God Almighty.
God has promised Israel they will exist FOREVER.
This promise is an affront to Satan an all who follow him
Which is everyone who does not belong to Christ Jesus.

Today, why do Obama and the Democrats
And ALL the nations of the world rage and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth take their stand
And the rulers gather together against the Lord
And against His Anointed One [Christ Jesus].
Let us break their chains,” they say, “and throw off their fetters.”
[Fetters being the Word of God, His Covenant and His Commandments.]

The One enthroned in Heaven laughs;
The Lord scoffs at them.
Then He rebukes them in His anger and terrifies them in His WRATH, saying,
I have INSTALLED My King on Zion, My Holy Hill. (Psalm 2)

Understand, that in the mind of God it is FINISHED.
SOON, Christ Jesus will come and the kingdom of this world,
Satan's kingdom, will be destroyed 
And the Kingdom of God will be established
In Jerusalem, on Mount Zion, FOREVER!

Today, we simply wait for the Word of God to be fulfilled.
It will be fulfilled EXACTLY as Scripture has foretold.

Obama and the Democrats and all who despise God,
His Christ Jesus, His Word, His Covenant and His Commandments
Will be destroyed.
I pray that those who read this message are not among them,
But among those who love God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength;
Among those who will become ONE with Christ FOREVER.

Today, the world is raging against God, rushing toward oblivion. (Psalm 2)
America is being ground to powder because of its SIN against God.
Save yourself from this corrupt generation. (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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