Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Without Holiness No One Will See God!

(Hebrews 12:14)

There is a highway in the wilderness call the Way of Holiness
And only the Redeemed will walk there.
They will enter Zion with singing ;
Everlasting joy will crown their heads
Gladness and joy will over take them ,
Sorrow and sighing will flee away. (Isaiah 35:8-10)

In the wilderness of this world there is a Way.
That Way is Christ Jesus.
He is the only Way out of the wilderness of a lost and dying world.
A world, that in its present form, is passing away. (1 Corinthians 7:31)
It is almost gone; it is in its death throws.

However, first, all that is written in God's Word must be fulfilled
The Church of God will go into it's Apostasy / Rebellion
As a result Satan will present to the world his son, the Antichrist.
The world will receive its “false savior;”
Receive his “mark” and worship him and seal its doom.
Then, as a result, God will pour out His Great Tribulation.

The Antichrist will perpetrate upon the world
The greatest holocaust the world has ever known.
Millions of people will be killed.
All those who refuse the “mark” of the Beast.

At the end of The Great Tribulation
After the earth has been “ruined”
And all the cities of the world are rubble
And most of humanity dead;
Christ Jesus will return and destroy the Antichrist
And all the armies of the world, from every nation on earth,
That have come to fight against Him at Armageddon.
He will do so with the breath of His mouth
And the splendor of His appearing. (2 Thessalonians 2:8)

That will be the END of the world in its present form.
It will be a disastrous and ignoble ending
Of six thousand years of human history.

Nevertheless, those who found the Way of Christ Jesus;
The narrow Way, The Way of Holiness; Will be The Bride of Christ.
They will become One with Christ and rule and reign with Him
For all Eternity.
These are those who will see God.

As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!

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