Thursday, May 10, 2012

President Obama Supports Gay Marriage

President Obama announced yesterday that he supports gay marriage.
He joins Vice President Biden in this position.

In making this announcement the President has become the mouth piece for Satan and spit in the face of God Almighty. Can anyone act this way with impunity? No, they cannot. There will be a terrible price to pay for the President personally and for all who support him in this position.

America is currently under the judgment of God Almighty. It is being ground to powder because of its sin against God. The President's policies and actions hasten this destruction. There is only one antidote, heart felt repentance.

I cannot remember any president that has defied God so blatantly.
This is in addition to:

His pursuit of a Health Care Mandate, that takes away every American's right to choose.

His attempting to force Christians to buy health insurance that has provisions that violate their conscience.

His support for the American Holocaust, Abortion.

His rescinding the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy for the Military, which makes homosexuality a normal lifestyle, when it is an abomination to God.

He is spending America into oblivion by his policies. He is responsible for the printing of worthless money that will ultimately impoverish the whole nation.

His having Saul Alinsky as a mentor, a man who wrote the book: “Rules For Radicals” and dedicated it to Satan. A book that President Obama taught out of as a Community Organizer.

His pursuit of godless, Socialist and so called Progressive ideologies that are against the US Constitution and God Almighty and would enslave a Americans and bring about the tyranny that always comes with such pursuits.

This is a President who never reveals his true beliefs. He knows that most Americans would reject them if he did. He masquerades as an angel of light as does his father, Satan. Nevertheless, if you watch and listen carefully he is coming more and more out of his closet. You must watch what he actually does to know who he is. His words are deceptive.

He claims to be a Christian but he is against Christ and the Word of God by his actions. He mocks God, Who cannot be mocked. Eventually, in God's perfect time, he will come to personal destruction. Judas committed suicide. All who support him will come to the same fate as President Obama. Do not be deceived by this deceiver.

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