Friday, February 3, 2012

The World's Showdown With God

We are all witnesses of the world's final showdown with God.
It will be similar to the showdown in the days of Noah;
Similar to the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The Word of God speaks eloquently of this showdown,
Yet, this godless world does not believe God or His Word.
It has rejected the Christ of God, Jesus;
God's Savior for all who will believe Him.

Unbelief has made the nations worthless before God, less than nothing.
In their godlessness they have prostrated themselves 
Before their ruler, Satan.
Who, ironically, came to seal from them; to kill and destroy them.
Yet, they worship at his altar of pride, in the mire of their sinfulness.
Every living person is a witness to this drama;
The greatest drama the world has ever seen.
Every living person has a part in this drama; none are exempt.
Ultimately everyone will make their choice, for or against God.

Christ Jesus drew a line in the sand
And men have been taking their stands on one side or the other
In every generation since.
If you are not for Him you are against Him,
If you do not gather with Him you scatter.
You are either a sheep or a goat.
A wise virgin or a foolish one.
You either know Him or you do not.

The entire script has been written, it is in plain view, even your part in it.
Now, we all watch it play out exactly as it is written.
This is an astounding reality, a supernatural reality, as God is supernatural.
He is the Beginning and the END, the Alpha and Omega.
The Creator of all that exists.
He is coming soon to reclaim His earth.
To gather those who love Him; His treasured possession;
To send those to a devil's Hell, who refuse His grace.

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