Friday, November 4, 2011

America, The Titanic, Sinking

She is sinking under the heavy weight of her sin.
In her defiance of God Almighty,
She has hit the Rock which is Christ Jesus,
The immovable Rock, and she is leaking profusely
She has so many leaks, so many sins,
She cannot attend to the implications of them all.

Her secular and religious false prophets cry out in her streets
Their hopeless, hapless advice, from their puny deluded minds.
They are the blind leading the blind.
America, politically polarized, every politician with different idea.
A nation where every person does that which is right in his own eyes,
Ignoring the God who gave them their very being;
Ignoring Christ Jesus, the only Savior for mankind;
Challenging the infinite intellect of God Almighty
With their their puny, deluded intellect.
They try to cobble together social, political, economic solutions
To a spiritual problem;
Ignoring the fact that there is nothing secular in the eyes of God.

No one will acknowledge the Truth.
That Christ Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth, and the only LIFE;
That the only path to LIFE is to fear and love Him.

So America sinks into the murky waters of sin.
Into the open arms of Satan who welcomes them to his hell.
They could cry out to the Living God and be saved,
But they have hardened their hearts to Him.
They have stopped up their ears so they cannot hear
The still small voice of God their Creator.
They have closed their eyes to God so that they cannot see.
They stumble in the darkness of their own making,
And the shroud of blindness placed over them
By the deception of Satan.

All the nations are in a similar circumstance.
There is not a one exempt.
They all defy the Living God and His Christ, Jesus.
They will all suffer the grievous consequences.

Yet, Christ Jesus is the LIFE preserver for all who turn to Him;
For all who love Him with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.

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