Thursday, October 13, 2011

Life Is Like A Play

Life is like a Play and every generation is an Act in the Play.
The curtain went up on your part in the Play, on your life, 
When you were born.
Unfortunately, like everyone else, you were born into sin.
As you grew, you came to the age of accountability;
When you knew right from wrong by your God given conscious.

At that point God began speaking to your heart about the Truth.
You had a choice; you could respond to the voice of God or ignore Him.
Whether you responded to the voice of God 
The first time He spoke to you or not,
He kept on speaking to your heart,
Even as He is speaking to you at this time.

No matter your age, or what you have done, you have a choice;
To believe God and His Christ, Jesus or not;
To turn to Christ and give your life to Him or not.
Your Eternity rests on the decision you make: LIFE or death, Heaven or hell.

If you turn to Christ Jesus in repentance of your sin;
Confess with your mouth that He is your Lord,
And believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead,
You are saved to His Kingdom.
He will then give you His Spirit to live within you.
By the power of His Spirit you can overcome this lost and dying world.
Then Christ promises never to leave you or forsake you.
You become a child of God and live in the Kingdom of God.
Upon your repentance, Christ washes you clean in His blood
And fills you with His Spirit.
You belong to Him and He belongs to you;
You belong to the family of God.
You then go from glory to glory within His Kingdom;
You then await His soon return and your final and glorious Home;
Heaven, and eternal communion with Christ and all of His saints.

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